15. The Punishment | Pt 1.

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Hoseok's POV

She was so terrified, but soon she won't be, once she loves me. We'll be in love.

"Heheh..." I giggle, excited for what's to come, what's in store. Excitment bubbles to the brim of my body.

Lana gulps again, for what seems like the hundredth time. "Ermm... Hoseok."

I advance on her, like a fox to fawn. She won't get far. I press her against the wall roughly with a smirk, using my shoulders and arms to keep her there. "Stay still, Lana." I whisper into her ear. I take a knife from my belt and kneel down.

Lana whimpers as the knife comes closer. But she knows better than to make me more mad, so she stays still.

"Good girl." I whisper as the knife's sharply carved tip skims across her flesh, leaving a slight visible mark. This is where I would start.

A Little detailed, squeamish people, don't continue. Find the bold letters for not so yucky reading.

I press it into her flesh, making a small carving already. She starts whimpering and panicking inside, I can see it in her eyes, it's beautiful. The mettalic smell reaches my nose driving me mad, though I pull the knife out to give her a break, delicious sticky blood and muscle is sticking to the back of the blade, connecting it to the inner wound.

Lana cries out as I go back in, starting with going deep. 1 inch... She yelps in pain. 2 inch... She screams for me to stop, tears fall out of her adorable eyes though her eyes are red and puffy. I stop. "We did it Lana. You did it." I finish the job by editing the length of the cut. Dark, sticky, dripping blood comes out in streams, making it to the ground in a sticky mess. By this time Lana looks at me with pure hatred.


I cuts into her thigh, and of course, she wails. She has me though, that's all that counts. After I finish cutting she's sobbing hard as blood trickles down her leg. Delicious pain...

"That wasn't so bad Lana, we did it. You did it." I smile at her, feeling happy. Really happy.

Everybody, squeamish or not, start here.

"Did what? Live through your torture? Hell ya. Like it? Hell naw." You spit, and it makes me smile.

"Torture? Heheh... Lana you're joking. I just love you." I grin, putting my hand on her cheek, stroking it. It leaves a bloody streak from my cutting. She can't escape, I've already lost her once... the same won't happen every again. We'll be together... forever. I promise that much Lana.

Just accept it, it'll be easier.

You're mine.

Only some of my chapters will have alternate ending things. And boom, double update. YEAH.

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