2. The Classmate

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Lana's POV

I ran down the hall and almost broke the door knob as I slammed my hands into it.
"Shit, shit..." I swore under my breath. "I'm gonna be late." But I smiled anyways. This is like one of those movies I watch. New girl late to class. I finally open the door, making it just in time.

The teacher stares at you almost like a challenge. "Excuse me Ms...?"

You scratch the back of your head, slightly embarassed. "Oh, oh yeah. Ermm... Umm.. U-u-uhmm.." The teacher starts tapping her foot impatiently. Geez.

"Yes, anytime, now..." The teacher says, it could almost pass as a hiss, though. The class laughs, all except one boy. He's just staring straight at you.

"Jameson Lana." You mutter quietly. You were unsure if anyone could hear you at all. You feel like you are boiling with extreme embarrassment.

"Alright Ms Jameson, sit by Mr. Jung over there." The teacher points to the corner of the class well sized classroom in the back row.

Jung... You feel like you've heard the name before.

The reason Lana can't remember Jung is Hoseok's last name is because she only processed the first name. It's called mornings...

Lana's POV

You sit by him and wave. He looks away and you catch him turns pink in the face.

You go through the day easily when it's finally lunchtime. Right as you get up, someone grabs your arm. You look and see it's the boy from class. The one who sits by you.

"Err, hello." He waves, smiling almost awkwardly. It's a cute awkward smile, though. "Nice to meet you, Jameson Lana, right?"

You nod slightly and smile back at him, he seems nice. "Yeah, call me Lana. You are?..."

"Oh, umm.. I'm Hos-" he stops, seeming unsure of his sentence. "Umm, sorry, Lana. Please, call me J-Hope." He smiles with that adorable smile yet again.

J-Hope... as but of an odd name, but nice. has a bit of a ring to it.

You're swimming in your thoughts when he speaks up again.

"Want to sit by me at lunch? I m-mean you must not know really
a-a-anyone else. I mean, you should sit by s-someone, correct? I-i-i m-m-mean not that y-yo-you're l-lonely or something, s-s-sorry, I mean, uhh..." He stutters so much. He takes a deep breath. "W-would you like to sit by me at lunch? I hope you accept." He finishes with a slight stutter, but barely.

You hold in a laugh. "H-heheh, of course J-hope!" You give him a smile. "I'll sit by you, no problem."
J-hope seems to twitch a heck of a lot on the way to a different table. He seems happy though, so you do not dare to question anything.

At lunch we talk about our interests, likings, dislikes, and more. It was nice to vent and laugh with someone again.
"Do you like music?" J-hope asks, waiting for the answer in anticipation.

I smile widely. "Hell yeah." You look into his eyes. "You?"

He smiles back. "Yeah, what band do you like?"

I put on a thinking face. "Hmmm, I like a few. My ultimate favorite has to be BTS though. Also, speaking of BTS, J-Hope is the stage name of one of them." You look at him. "Is that where it came from?"

He has a sly smile painted on his adorably handsome face, "you could say that."

You gasp. "Wait, are you saying?......"

J-hope smirks, completely different from the "shy classmate" in your class. "Yes..."

"I'm J-Hope of BTS."

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