19. Distraction

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You start cooking a soup with all sorts of veggies and the finest broth. After 30 minutes you bend down to sniff your not so tasty brew.

"ECK." You gag and jerk your head back in disgust, giving the soup a death glare. The food smelt horrible, like barf and morning breath, not that the two smelled much different. Perfect for your amazing plan.

Jimin walks into the room with a small smile on his chubby face. "Aye, what ya making?" He notices you in the kitchen and starts walking over in a happy manner but you stop him by putting a hand on his chest and pushing back.

"No, not till it's done," you refuse to let him pass you. "Go away."

Jimin frowns, "fine, don't be so mean though, Lana."

You sigh, "sorry Jimin." You suddenly snap back to your senses, the plan, the soup, escape, "now go!!!"

Jimin chuckles at your actions. "Okay, okay, I'm leaving. Geez." He walks up the stairs to his room.


"Perfect plan!" Your face morphs into grin as you realize how brilliant your plan is. A bit after Hoseok said you could cook for them you had come up with an escape plan. You wrote it on a piece of scratch paper you had found and hidden it under your pillow in the basement.

Make food, make it horrible. While they are busy gagging, act surprised. Tell them to go to the bathroom. Once most or all are gone, run.

"It'll work for sure," you smile at the paper. "I'll be free, at last." Your face shows detemrination, you are prepared, prepared to be free.

End of flashback

BTS members start running down the stairs, all of them either bickering or chatting.

"No, no, the bathroom should be painted pink."

"Pink? You kidding me, Jin? It should be blue." Jimin argued with Jin, "blue I tell you!"

"Stop bickering and shut up," Suga scoffs.

Jin glares at Suga, ready to scold, "excuse me?"

Suga just ignores him, "CAN'T HEAR YOU!"

After only a minute, everyone but Hoseok is in the dining room seated.

Jimin reaches for a noodle with bare hands, but you slap his hand away like a mother. "Oww!" He screeches.

"Hahah!!! He sounded like a baby," Namjoon laughs at the skin contact.

Taehyung chuckles lowly, "he did, didn't he."

You out your hands on your mouth, acting surprised. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, it's reflexes," you gasp, genuine surprised. "Its just I thought we could wait for Hoseok," you explain to him.

"Ohhh," Jimin nods apologetically. "Sorry, I didn't realize that. We can wait for him, right guys?"

All of BTS nod or say "ok and "yes" at his words, agreeing to wait for Hoseok's arrival to the table.

After nearly 3 minutes, Hoseok comes up from the basement with a pretty ticked off expression like he's ready to crack some necks.

"Hyung, why were you down there?" Jungkook asks him with big curious eyes.

"Yeah, trying to find a rat friend that's dirtier than you?" Yoongi snorts.

"Language!" Jin scolds the younger for his insult directed at Hoseok.

"Shut up, ya Grandpa Turtle," Hoseok spits. "And no, I wasn't looking for a rat. I was looking around, and I found this."

You gasped, wanting to run away quickly. You recognized what he was holding in his hand.

"Lana... why?" He asked you, stepping closer. His eyes are hurt because of the unexpected betrayal.

You back away and try to go, but the counter blocks you as he advances.

"What is it?" Namjoon asks.

Hoseok holds up your Escape Plan. "Lana, was trying to escape."

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