9. ..Who?..

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You wake up in a dark area. You have faint memories of what had happened. Hoseok was like a teddy bear to you in those moments. Speaking of... where is Hoseok?

"Hobi?" You holler. "Hobi!!" No use... "dang it..."

You stand up and start walking, only to realize that you are wobbly on your feet. "What?" You whisper to yourself. "Hobi??" You yell again.

"Hello. You've woken up." It was a black clothed man. He wore dark shaded sunglasses and the only thing you saw were his hands, shoes, and mouth. He was sliding down a ladder that led to a trapdoor. An exit. An escape.

"Hello?" You ask. "Who the hell are you? What do you want? Where am I? Where's Hoseok?" You blast him with thousands of questions. "When and how did I get here? What day is It? Why am I so wobbly on my feet?"

"Shut... UP." The man slaps you on the cheek. This wasn't that strong, yet your knees still crumpled and you fell, luckily catching yourself by your hands.

"Silly girl." He says bitterly. "I will answer 3 questions. But I CAN choose not to answer. You don't lose any questions if I refuse. Now go."" He gestures to you.

"Who are you?"

"I refuse to answer."

You growl. "Fine." You rub your hands together, realizing how chilly it seems. "Why can't i wa-" you stop, realizing you could figure that out easily. "Ok." You talk to yourself. "How did i get here?"

The man rolls his eyes. "When Hoseok left the house, and his roommates were either working or sleeping, i drugged you, and dragged you to my car."

You nod. "Okay." You think for a few seconds. "Why did you give me a drug that makes me so wobbly, are there other reasons besides the fact that I could move and escape?"

He blinks, surprised at the question. He regains his serious face and pose and sighs. "Yes. It's because you might try to hit me. You are actually quite powerful... if you know what you're fighting against."

You blink. Was that a compliment, or some snarky comeback? You'd never be sure.

"Hey, earth to Jameson Lana." He waves his smooth hand in front of your face.

You suddenly snap out of your daze. "Sorry." You say to him, nodding. You'd decided what to call him. The Bad Man.

The Bad Man smiles at your response. "Great." He grins wider. "Makes my life a hell-o'-lot easier."

You gulp. "Great..."

"You can always save a question for later, you know." He says. "And I'll be generous, I'll give you two more." The Bad Man climbs up the ladder with haste.

"Wait!" You stop him in his tracks.
"How long am I stuck here?"

"As long as I want, I'll update you on that later." The Bad Man turns his head you and smiles widely. "I'll be extra nice to you today."

"How is this nice..." You ask rhetorically.

"Well, I won't count that as your three for later. Now I'm going to take my leave." He says, no emotions are in those words.

You sigh and sit down. Knowing you're not going to be okay here much longer. You better start planning escape... and questions.

The man closes the trapdoor. You're hopeful, but then he locks it, including your way to freedom.

I don't know if your guys know, but the schedule for the story is Monday and Thursdays. Sorry this was uploaded a little late. Sorry it's a bit shorter too. Bai.

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