13. Byuntae Much?

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You wake up and feel something wet going up and down your neck, sending shivers down your spine. You can't move, you're trapped, by what though? You look down your body and see a guy. He's licking as well as kissing your neck.

"Yah! What the hell!" You jump away and find none other than Taehyung on your bed, looking innocently at you with his boxy smile.

"Hmm? You're up," Taehyung says. His voice has a slightly disappoint-ed tone to it.

"Yes, I am." You spit out at him, "and I'd like you out."

He just pouts, "ah, why, dear?" Is he serious?... Why?

"Because I'm captive and this is technical sexual harassment. Get the hell away Taehyung."

He giggles. "But I haven't gotten to do anything with you yet." He looks towards the bathroom. "C'mon," he pulls you towards the bathroom.

"What, why?" You question him cluelessly as you're tugged in the direction of what you guess is the bathroom.

He smirks at you, "why, to shower, of course, Lana."

"Why would you come with?..." You ask him, your voice trailing off even though you think you know the answer.

"To take one with you," Taehyung decides to wink at you, making you cringe.

"Uck." You make a disgusted noise while scrunching up your face. "Byuntae much?"

Taehyung bats his eyelashes at you "Only to pretty ones like you." Smooth.

"Pfftt," you make a loud snort, "hell naw." You shove him away, "You flipping insulted me earlier, get out!"

Taehyung walks up to you and cups your cheeks. "Oh, Lana..."

"Yah! Get off me, Taehyung!" You exclaim. "Get..."

He just kisses you, forcing himself onto you. He deepens it, but you don't kiss back. How could you?

Usually you enjoy kisses, even if you don't engage, you can end up enjoying it. That was not the case, here.

"Get... off.. Tae.....hyung." You get
out of your mouth between his kisses.

Suddenly the door opens, and someone stands in the doorway.

It was Hoseok.

"What are you doing?"

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