8. Hold Me

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"AHH!" You squeeze Hoseok's chest. You breath so hard that you hear yourself over the screaming and sounds. "Huh..hh..hhhuh."

Hoseok chuckles, much to your irritation. "Did it really scare you that bad, that one little jumpscare?"

You nod. "Yeah.. I didn't expect him to be ripped apart. Or killed." You shiver at the thought of the movie's scene.

"Well, just remember. It's not real. We can make noises and not be ripped apart, Lana." Hoseok's big happy smile grows as he looks at you.

The movie changes scene. There is a person trying to hide from the monster hunting them.

"I'm fine." You say. BAM! "Eeeek!" You scotch closer to Hoseok's chest because of the sound effects.

Hoseok chuckles. "Heheh. Are not. You gonna be okay?" He whispers, his sweet breath hitting your ear.

"Yeah. I think so." You respond to him, not even sure anymore.


"That was good." Hoseok says smiling. "What did you think, Lana?" He looks at your hiding form in the seat still.

You poke your head up. "Is it over, Hoseok?" You squeak out.

"Yeah." He says, "don't worry."

"Phew." Youh wipe your forehead. Thank God. The movie horrified you. You take big breaths.

"Yeah, totally not scared." Hoseok smirks.

"Shut up." You hit Hoseok on his left arm with your fist lightly.

"It's true, you know that.." Hoseok takes out his car keys, which you don't realize. He clicks the button to unlock and the car makes a beep noise. You jump high into his arms. "See?" He gives a small smile to himself.

"H-h-hobi..." You squeal into his chest. "I'm scared. Can I stay with you tonight?..."

Hoseok smiles at the fact you're in his grasp, and asking to stay over. "Heh. Scaredy-cat. Sure you can, and I have roommates so extra people."

You relax at the thought of his house, roommates, Hobi, safety. "Thanks, Hobi..." You feel his warm breath spreading down your arm as you're carried to his car. He buckles you up and starts driving.

You and him are in the car for another hour and make it to his house at 1:20 in the morning. You step out and straight away huddle to Hoseok's chest.

"Let's go."

Hoseok unlocks the giant mansion. Immediately, your greeted at the door.

You squeak in surprise as a cheerful man pops in front of you. He raises his eyebrows. "Woah, Hoseok. You brought home a girl."

Hoseok blushes like a tomato. "We went to see a horror movie. It scared her a lot so she's sleeping here." He narrows his eyes at the other man. "And don't tease me Jin."

The man that is named Jin glares at Hoseok. "Really. It is Hyung to you, Hobi."
"Well, whatever. I'll show you the first room later."

You open your mouth but Hoseok interrupts. "She sleeping with me, Jin. So no need."

Jin starts laughing. Another man's voice echoes from upstairs. "Shut up Jin!" The voice screams. "Some of us are trying to sleep."

"Sorry Yoongi." Jin hollers back at him. He turns back to Hoseok. "Well, ok. Sorry about Yoongi. He gets real tired." He waves his hand dismissively at you two. "Show her around tomorrow morning. It's late."

Hoseok nods. "Yeah. We're gonna go to bed Hyung."

You closely follow Hoseok, trying to move quietly.

Suddenly, a handsome man with slicked hair comes out of a room. His voice is deeper than the other boys. "Who is this, Hoseok?" He raises his eyebrow.

"Just a friend." Hoseok replies.

"Ahh, I see." He nods, giving a look at Hoseok. "I'm Kim Namjoon." He shakes your hand.

"Uhh... Jameson Lana." You say, nodding to Namjoon. You give a small tug at Hoseok's shirt; you want to go, you're tired.

Hoseok notices. "Well, Namjoon. We need to go. Sorry to cut it short, chat more in the morning."

Namjoon nods. "Got it." He waggles his eyebrows. "Night." He whispers in Hoseok's ear as he walks by. You catch a few words like kill her, bring, mission, and do something.

What did that mean.

Hoseok shakes his head to himself. "C'mon, Lana." He says quietly, guiding you to his room. You don't pay much attention to it, your so tired...

You walk towards his bed, and fall straight asleep on the way over, head hitting the mattress first.

You hear Hoseok chuckle quietly and close the door. He then comes over to your sleeping body, giving you a gentle kiss on the middle of your forehead before you fall asleep.

"Sweet dreams, Lana." He whispers as your vision blurs and you fall asleep.


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