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Chapter twenty • four!

❞ Run a hand through your hair, like the white boys do

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Run a hand through your hair, like the white boys do.

AN ANGRY KLAUS CAME STORMING IN RORY'S ROOM WHEN she was brushing her silky long hair.

"What's wrong?" Rory questioned, putting her brush down.

"I can't find Davina, I think she took of!" Klaus explained.

"Okay, first, calm the hell down."

Aurora gently rubbed his arms up and down.

This action helped him to calm down.

He gnawed at his teeth. "You still have a knot in your hair."

She made an o shape with her mouth and put a hand through her hair where she thought the knot was.

the original shook his head. He picked up the brush from her bed and carefully brushed the knot out of her hair.

He nodded and sat on her desk.

She made a beep sound and coughed, loudly. Covering it up.

"Thanks... Have you called Marcel? Maybe he took her to the festival, since it's the basket girls day." She suggested.

Reality hit him in his face. "No..." He trailed of. Throwing the object on the ground.

Even though he could easily put it on the desk.

Klaus turned around and began to walk to the stairs. "Are you coming or not?" He screamed playfully.

"Not that I have a choice or something!"

Aurora hopped after him and went down the stairs.

The half-werewolf, half-vampire took his phone out of his pocket and called Marcel. Looking out of the mirror.

What's the problem?

"Bit of an issue. Seems our little bird has flown the coop."

"You don't have to be sherlock Holmes to know the obvious." Aurora rolled her eyes.

Rory was pissed, she thought that she was going to have a lazy day.

At first she thought that Marcel really knew where the young witch was. Right after that he said he didn't know.

LITTLE ROSE  ➢  K. MIKAELSON  DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now