A New Begining

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Quick note! In case you are new to X readers or forgot;

(Y/N)- your name

(Y/HT)- your hometown

UNDERLINED-  Special note from me!

Bold Italics- internal speech 

Have Fun! (^~^)


It's finally the day. New school, new people, new life. It was a long move but it was worth it. No more bullies and harassing neighbors. Just me, mom and dad. A small knock comes from your door. "Come in!" It was mom. She was wearing her favorite purple shirt, a gray tweed jacket, suit pants and a pair of black pumps. Her blonde hair flowing across her shoulders.

"What do you think honey? Are you liking it here? I know it's not (Y/HT) but.." you stop her before she can speak.

"I love it mom and thank you for doing this for me. I know this is difficult for you and dad." She takes your hands and holds them softly. Gazing into your eyes lovingly.

"Sweetie... of course your father and I would do anything for you. Besides, it was time for a change of scene." You join in a warm embrace.

"Thank you mom" Tears well in your eyes and you smile brightly. This was it. This is your chance to be in the spotlight. You see your dad stumble through the door with an armful of boxes and you snicker. Your hug ends and you go to help dad before he trips and falls for the 3rd time today. You love your dad but bless his heart, he is very clumsy. When he doesn't have his glasses it's even worse.

"I can handle a few boxes bunny-bear. Don't you wor-RY!" The tower of boxes he's holding begin to tilt and wobble. Mom helps dad regain his balance and you take most of the boxes from him and set them down in the empty bedroom. "Sorry bunny. I was sure I could handle 4 boxes" You would normally be nervous with people touching your things but you can't help but smile and burst into laughter. Mom runs off only to come back with your camera. It was a small Fujifilm camera, your absolute pride, and joy. A hopeful glint shines in her eyes as she hands the camera to you. You take it and turn it on.

It's been a while, hasn't it?

The camera sits in your hand and you turn around and stand with mom and dad. Using the small silver mirror you find a good angle and smile.

"To new beginnings..."

Mom sets her head on your shoulder and a hand on your arm. "a new home.."

"And our little girl." Dad holds both of us close and looks at the camera.

You can feel heat flow to your cheeks. You give a big smile and take the picture. As it comes out you place it, and the camera, on the closest box. Pulling your parents in for a hug and you feel tears fall down your cheeks again, but you embrace them.

"I love you guys. Thank you for never giving up on me."

After what felt like an eternity we went back to setting up the new house. It was a pretty simple 2 story house; 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a living room, full kitchen, and a basement. It was pretty nice, cozier than our old apartment. Your room was in the basement, the first room on the right. It was HUGE! The walls were painted black, and the hardwood floors were made of a dark ebony but you didn't mind. You manage to put together your end table and bed without any difficulty. The sounds of footsteps makes your head peer upward, mom and dad must be bringing boxes down to the guest room. You poke your head out the door and stare at the other door across the hall. This house was painted rather dark but it didn't bother your family. Most of your belongings where a hospital white color so it looked nice. All the doors where gray except that one. The guest room door was a deep red and looked completely untouched by anyone but there was no dust. Shaking your head you slip back into your room, You don't know why but that room worried you.

What is wrong with me? I'm almost 18 and I'm scared of an off-color door.

You use all your strength and place your mattress on your bed. Placing your sheets, blankets, and pillows on in a semi-decent fashion. Soon after, you hang up various posters of favorite bands, animes, and youtubers. On another wall, you hang up a few old drawings that you are rather proud of. Finally, you take all your old polaroids and hang them up in a treelike design on the opposite side of your bed. Every picture bringing back old memories, some painful others were happy. As you step back to admire your creation you can't help but stare at the picture in the center. It was the only photo with a frame. That one was taken with your old phone, It was you and... him..

You weren't always a single child, you use to have a brother. He was the purest ray of sunlight and always had your back. He was your pride and joy, together you two were unstoppable. A perfect pair of twins, similar in almost every way. The only difference (besides gender) was the hair. While you both had a messy undercut, you both had colored it differently. You smile at the old picture of the two of you.

I miss ya' blue...I hope I'm making you proud. I love you... Jack... Your bright red hair glared back at you in the reflection of the glass. Your smile falters and you feel the world around you start to grow black. Black ooze bubbles up from the floorboards and seeps in through your plain tennis shoes and up your legs. All your emotions start to drain away and get absorbed into the blackness. This was a feeling you grew to knew all too well. The paralyzing numbness pulling me onto the floor. Unable to cease this unhealthy cycle of staring at that photo. You claw at your arms violently. From the moment your nails met your skin the pain was instant. After years of scratching your arms had become very sensitive but that never stopped you. You kept scratching, you had to, you needed to.

I'm sorry... this is my fault... I'm sorry Jack... that should have been me. You hear the doorbell ring and stand up quickly. You jam your hand into a nearby box; grab a jacket to hide your arms and make your way upstairs. Your parents are already at the door, speaking to someone.

"Oh she should be up in a second, she never could resist when someone comes to the door."

Drat! She wasn't wrong. You loved to open the door. (not sure why but what the heck, why not!)

You poke your head around the stairs and nod softly to your parents.

"There she is!" Mom was clapping and smiling widely, encouraging you to come say hello.

You can't help but hide behind them, although it didn't work out too well. They both step to the side giving you a perfect centerstage greeting. A group of 4 people stand in front of me, 2 parents and 2 kids. Dad gently holds my shoulders. For a klutz, he has a great grip. "(Y/N) meet the Smith family! They are across the street and on the left from us."

The father of the Smith family smiled at me and spoke. "Welcome to the neighborhood!" 

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