Your Choice

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The sun starts to set on planet Squanch.

You've showered can changed back to your clothes, all the free knickknacks all packed up. You feel tired both physically and mentally and start to fall asleep on the couch. Morty was still packing and Rick disappeared to grab something. You decide to rest your eyes for a moment unable to keep your eyes open any longer.

After about 20 minutes you hear Morty's door open but still can't manage to open your eyes. He sets his bag by the door and sits in the chair next to you. You can't see him but you know he is smiling.

"H-hey (Y/N)? Are you asleep?"

You can't even manage a small noise.

"Aww. You're even cute in your sleep."

Oh crap...Morty likes me too? This is weird!

He pushes a small stray hair out of your face.
"Aww geeze. (Y/N) I know I should tell you this when you're awake but I... I really lik-"

Rick opens the door with a lot of force and yells "Wubba lubba dub dub! H-hey I brought pizza!"

Morty jumps up and shushes Rick "RICK! (Y/N) is sleeping!"

Rick quietly closes the door and sets the pizza on the coffee table. "I didn't know Morty. Relax."  He sits beside you and rests an arm around your shoulders giving you a gentle shake. "(Y/N), it's time to get up, I brought food."

It takes all your strength but you open your eyes and sit upright. "Thanks Rick."

After some pizza, you all get settled in the space cruiser and head home. Halfway through you notice that Morty has fallen asleep.

"Hey Rick...did you really mean what you said earlier? You really trust me?"

"I meant every word baby."

"Good." You smirk and slip your phone into your pocket.
Hey guys, I know this chapter was short but I need you to pick how you want the rest of this chapter to go.

I have 3 routes you can take. I just need you to comment 1 of these 3 titles. I'll post the most commented one Sunday 12pm MDT!

Good Luck!

Title 1: Tempt

Title 2: Desire

Title 3: Devote

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