A Bad Dream

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You buckle your seatbelt again and if on cue Morty wakes up. Taking a moment to stretch before smiling at you.

"H-hey (Y/N) are you alright? Your face is really red, Do you need some water?" he reaches into his back and tries to hand you a water bottle.

Rick instinctively fixes his chair and pulls the corner of his lab coat over his pelvis, keeping his hand lower to obstruct his view of what happened earlier. You take a deep breath, smile and shake your head. Proclaiming that it was from you holding in a laugh as to not wake him up. He looks confused but puts his water bottle back into his bag accepting he lie rather than pushing further.

Rick pulls the space cruiser into the garage then runs off inside while Morty makes sure you have all your things before walking you home.

"So how did you like your first alien planet."

            "It was amazing Morty, thank you for taking me."

"Aww geez, I'm really glad you had fun. That place is my favorite spa in the galaxy. Th-the one we use to go to had this detox chamber and oh man, it split our personalities and the Goo versions of us tried to make the whole world toxic."

You could hardly believe some of the adventure these 2 would go on even knowing they were dangerous. You reach the front door and you can see the sun setting, you turn to say goodnight to Morty and to your surprise he gives you a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I-I'll see you later (Y/N)!" He yells and he runs back home.
You stuck in shock. He kissed you...Morty kissed you.
"Could today get any weirder? First Rick then Morty, who next Summer, Beth?!" You shudder. "Jerry?" You shudder again but more violently.
If you ever kiss Jerry it better only be for CPR, and even then you would rather die.

You walk inside and take off your shoes and run down to your room. You change into your favorite PJ's and lay down hold Rick's note in your hand.

"Love verse Trust...I never really thought about the difference before."
Love is biased, it can only hold for so long because it's based on interest and connections to one's self.
Trust is earned through respect, and belief in something or someone's ability. The only way to lose trust in someone is to have that person hurt you in some way of the other.

You can love someone without ever completely trusting them but you can't fake trust.

Knowing that Rick trusted you made you feel important.

Without a second thought you fall asleep.


Black mirrors. It was always black mirrors.

You never knew why but you would always have the same dream. You alone in a dark room with nothing but black mirrors. You would walk closer to touch them bet you never could. You'd either go through them or could ever reach them at all. You wander for a moment, doing a few cart wheels and making faces at yourself till you lay on the floor.

"My only constant..." you say allowed, staring at your reflection on the ceiling.
You use to hate this dream but after several years of the same dream you've grown accustomed to it.

You release a deep sigh and close your eyes.

"Don't trust him. You can't trust him."

You sit up in a panic. There has never been a voice in your dreams besides your own. You look around and see no one but the voice is still echoing, repeating.

"Don't trust him. You can't trust him."

The voice get louder; you stand up. Spinning around to find the one speaking.

"WHO ARE YOU? Show yourself!"

You feel something tug on your hand and whisper "Run."

Without a second thought you run straight ahead. The hand it touched was cold, wet and...covered in blood...

You stop and turn around but the black room was gone.

You were outside now in a small suburb, it looked familiar. Small cookie cutter houses, all with different colored doors and fenced front yards. Your turn again and see a small Ice Cream shop but the name of the shop is faded and you can't read it. You see what looks like a big car in the distance moving closer and a faded crosswalk...

You realize this is a memory. This was the day you lost your brother Blue.

You feel something take your hand again this time you look down and clear as day holding your hand was Blue.
He looked just like you remember. Small cyan blue highlights, the light up sketchers, khaki shorts and a striped shirt with a bleach spot on the hem.

"Let's go! I'll hold your hand." He smiled and pulled you across the street.

Halfway across, he lets go and stops moving. "You can't trust him...Don't forget what he did..." You see the car, it's all fuzzy and distorted. Unable to remember exactly what it looked like all those years ago.

You close your eyes and scream, hoping you'll wake up. When you open your eyes you see Blue but not how you wanted to see him. Broken bones, parts of his skull were missing showing the exposed brain tissue, his left arm was missing and he was drowning in his own blood.

In a loud voice he yelled

"D O N ' T   T R U S T   H I M"

After that ear-piercing scream he melted into the floor and you could feel yourself falling.

You wake up drenched in sweat, screaming and on the floor. Your parents throw open the door and embrace you. You start to weep uncontrollably and grip onto your mother clothing, fearful that she may melt into nothingness. Dad places a gentle hand on our head and says

"Its okay (Y/N)! Nothing is here to hurt you. It was just a bad dream"

But inside you knew that this would be the first of many bad dreams to come.

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