Date Gone Wrong

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Hey guys sorry if this Chapter has a lot of spelling and grammar errors.
I've been in a bad place and haven't had the ability to post. I'll do my best to post more often but I can't make promises

You can't help but think about the other night and the kiss you  and Rick shared.
Your face grows red thinking back on it

"I need to keep this from everyone, especially Morty. Just gotta relax, this isn't the end of the world."

There is a loud knock from upstairs and you hear talking with 1 voice that stands out obviously.
You quickly throw on a jacket and check yourself in the mirror to make sure you look mostly presentable. Behind you you see a shoe box, with brand new boots Morty have you a couple days prior.
They where a deep red and fuzzy on the inside, you have yet to actually wear them.
Maybe I should wear them

*knock knock*

"Hey sweetie?"
Before you could answer your dad walks in sporting a blue hoodie, gray sweatpants and his favorite Star Wars slippers.
"The Smiths and their Grandpa are here. Would you come upstairs?
"I'll be up in a bit"
Dad nods with a smile and close the door quietly behind him.

You look in the mirror once more and see a small portal Behind you and a box drop through. It was a Clean white Box with a Glossy red bow.  You see a card flutter through the portal as well before it closes.
You pick up the card. It was made of cheap construction paper and crudely written on but it was most definitely Rick's handwriting.

"(Y/N), I didn't want to get all sentimental but you did get me that new screwdriver set for New Years. So for cultural appropriateness I made you a new jacket. You always wear the same hoodie and I thought you might like something new. Don't think too hard on it.


The paper had a splash of Vodka on it, you  couldn't help but smile.
You open the box and inside is a Black and Gray-Blue Hooded Coat. It was long and came down to your knees but it was very warm and pretty.
You take off your hoodie and put on Rick's Jacket instead before making your way upstairs.

Your dad is talking about Star Wars with Morty and Your mom is enjoying some Coffee with Rick.

"Good Morning Everyone!"

Your mother comes and gives you a kiss on your forehead.

            "Morning Red. How did you sleep? The Smiths told me they had it out for you yesterday."
She hands you a glass of water and an aspirin. You take it graciously and give her a hug.
You didn't want to admit it but your head was throbbing from the night before. You didn't drink much but it was enough to give you a small headache.
You down your water glass and smile.
"I slept fine mom. Thank you for the water."

Morty looks at your feet. "Oh! Y-Your wearing them boots I gave you!"

"Of course I am, I love them."
Morty face glows a deep pink "Aww Geeze it was nothing a-a-and is that a new Jacket? I looks really good."

You can't help but pause and grip and the sleeves slightly. "Yeah, it was a gift from-"

"Mo*Burp*orty L-Look we are gonna miss our reservation. You gong ask or what? You K-know I worked real hard to get those reservations.

"Sorry Rick.  Um (Y/N) Me and Rick were going to a spa at Plant Squanch. Would you like to come? They have Personal pools, a couple Saunas, and lots of really interesting clothes and music."

The thought of seeing Rick in a swimsuit was oddly appealing and you feel your cheeks burn.
"I um..." You look to your parents and they are smiling behind Rick and Morty giving a thumbs up.
"Sure. Sounds like fun."

Rick Immediately reaches for the door.

"Cool. Let's go. Don't bring anything with you. It's all provided."
Morty races out the door and runs for Ricks Space Cruiser Parked out front.

Rick holds open the door for you doing his best to avoid eye contact and you do the same. You don't know why but you feel kind of...awkward around him.

As Rick shuts the door behind him, he grasps your arm giving a small tug and stopping you in your tracks.
"The jacket does look nice. I-I hope you like it, if you don't I can make you something else."

Before waiting for a response he lets go and walks over to the Cruiser, taking a drink from his flask before getting inside.
Morty waves you down and give you the front seat.

"He-here, I know you like looking at all the stars we pass in space."

He settles in the back and buckles up smiling at you the entire time.

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