Missing Rick

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Several weeks have passed and Spring is in the air.

Today your extended family came to visit to celebrate your mother's birthday. Dad had given her a home spa day the night before and even convinced her to let him do her hair and makeup. It was the big 40 and he wanted to make her feel like a princess.

Shockingly he did amazing. Her makeup and hair were on point and he even surprised her with a new set of pearls. You haven't seen mom this happy in a long time, and the party was actually nice.

You normally need to retreat to your room to hide from your aunts, who never really understood the concept of boundaries. This time everyone was civil and polite of each other's space and business. It wasn't until the next day that you realized why.

"(Y/N), sweetie. We think it might be a good idea to try a treatment center. Just for a few days. Or maybe a hypnotist?"

Your parents while kind, weren't the best when it came to mental trauma. Your nightmares have been persistent and only getting worse. Some so terrible you couldn't bring yourself to sleep for days.

"We just want to help you get better...please don't be upset hon. We think this might help you come to terms with Blue's accident..."

You quietly nod your head. Understanding that this might actually be helpful to you.

The 3 of you make your way downstairs and pack a few things and emotionally prepare for the treatment center.

Once your stuff is packed you get settled in the car, almost falling over in the process.

So...tired... so very tired...

Your dad catches you and hands mom your bag. "Don't worry Ladybug. We are going to get you help." He whispers in your ear before giving you a quick kiss on the forehead and helping you in the car.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" You know that voice anywhere. It was Morty, running up to the house. You manage a weak wave and roll down your window. Your parents stop him and you can see them talking but can't quite make out what they are saying. After what feels like an hour he walks to the window.

"(Y/N), are you okay? Rick and I have been so worried about you. Why haven't you been answering our calls?"

It felt good to see Morty again, you can't help but smile. "I missed you too Morty."

He takes a deep breath and smiles back. "How-how long will you be gone?"

"From what my parents tell me I'll be gone for 3 days. This is more of an evaluation to see if I need meds or not."

"Aw geez, Do you think we can hang out when you get back?"

"I promise we will Morty."

You share a laugh before you hear Summer yell for Morty.

"Morty we are going to be late for the wedding!"

You hadn't noticed but he was wearing a black suit and dress shoes, He looked nice.
"Have fun, Morty. I'll see you in a few days"

You watch him run off back to his house as your parents' start the car. As you drive past the Smith house you see Rick. He looks tired and upset, but his

~~~2 Hours later~~~

You arrived at the treatment center and get settled into your room for the next few days. You give your parents one last hug and hand your phone to the nurse.

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