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"MORTY! This place is amazing!"
You had made it to the park at it was beautiful. The second the car stopped you jumped out of the car and ran towards the forest area; the smile on your face was so wide it was impossible to hide. You had your phone out and ready to take an immense amount of pictures.
"H-hey! Wait up (Y/N)!"
Morty manages to keep a good pace with you while your mother and Beth sit on a bench. You feel shivers go up your spine in excitement. YES! This feeling... I love it! It feels so free! On pure impulse you hug Morty tightly. His face burns a bright red and he smiles.
"You real-really seem to like it here. I'm glad (Y/N)." He slowly puts his hands on your back softly. You feel warmth flow up through your cheeks and quickly pull away.
"I wanna show you something, (Y/N)."
Morty quickly takes your hand and breaks into a sprint towards the woods. You hold his hand tightly and ran beside him; the scenery around you help burn this amazing feeling of ecstasy, awe, and fear.
After a few minutes of running the two of you come up on a cave, well more of a hobbit hole.
"M-morty, what...what is this place?"
You say while you try to catch your breath. Morty seems to be fine, his breathing only slightly affected from all the running. He stands by the entrance waiting for you.
    "My secret place. Me and my grandpa Rick found it a while back. Aw geez, I-I hope you're not- you don't have a fear of the dark.." He kicks at the dirt nervously and grips his shirt.
You look at him curiously as you take a few step forward
"Not a bit. Lead the way Morty."
        "O-oh good!"
The 2 of you walk in, Morty taking the lead.
You know... he is pretty sweet. A good runner, kinda cute. Wait... WHAT AM I SAYING! HE'S 14! Stay calm hon, keep it cool.
_____________TIME SKIP!_____________
________You'll find out why later________
You and Morty start to walk back to the park after an hour of disappearing off to Morty's special place. You blush and tug gently at his shirt.
"Morty... could we go back soon. To the cave I mean..."
      "Aw geez! You really liked it (Y/N)?"
You nod.
      "Sure! Anytime you want. Just let me know. Oh um...(Y/N)?"
You share a small silence with him and gaze into his eyes. His cheeks glowing a deep red.
       "W-w-welcome to the neighborhood"

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