The Ditched Date

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It's been weeks since the Galactic Federation took over earth. Your parents were still missing and Rick was still in prison. You couldn't stand being in your house by yourself. It felt empty. Morty would come over every day, either to hang out or spend the night to make sure you were okay. Beth insisted you eat meals with them and spend 4-5 nights at their house. She even gave you Rick's room. It was small but you were grateful for their kindness, even your nightmares had begun to disappear. Though it raises the question, why did they start in the first place?

You shake your head and put away those thoughts, today was special and you were going to relax. Today you were taking a break from finding your parents, Morty said he had a surprise set up for tonight. You had some guesses but he refused to tell you the surprise despite how much you pushed him to tell you.

You had just finished getting dressed and stopped to stare at the jacket Rick had given you. You haven't touched it since he was taken, but today you felt like you needed to wear it. You take a deep breath and put it on. It fit perfectly and smelled like Rick's garage, you feel a slight pain in your chest but dismiss it.

You can hear Morty upstairs pacing the kitchen. You smile and make your way up. He is holding a picnic basket, and 2 blankets and grinning.

"I'm ready for that big surprise Morty." You take the 2 blankets from him and open the door.

"Shall we (Y/N)?" He walks out and sticks out his arm and snickers.

You laugh and take his arm.

"We shall Morty."

After a brief walk, you find yourself in the park and headed for-

"Morty are we going to the cave?"

"Ye-yeah. I thought it's been a while so we could go picnic there."

You step over logs and big rocks till you see the entrance. When you get inside you notice it's different. There are solar powered string lights, nicer chairs, a telescope, a couple of books, a table and some plants.

Morty smiles and sets down the basket.

"Surprise (Y/N)! Do you like it?"

You smile and give Morty a big hug. He put in all that effort all that time just to make the cave more comfortable for you.

"Thank you, Morty. I love it."

Morty pulls away and sets up the table. "I-I'm glad you like it. So tonight is supposed to be that meteor shower but in the meantime, we can look at planets and constellations."

You set up the blanket next to the telescope, clean the lenses, and double-check the focus. As you focus the telescope on the horizon you can see people headed home.

"Wait, Morty! What if we get caught breaking curfew?"

Morty smiles and stands up straight. "I'll take the blame. I-I know you were excited to see the Meteors tonight and I want to make that happen because-"

His phone rings and cuts him off.

"Hi mom!...No I'm with (Y/N). We were going to watch the meteors in the park tonight...Mom...Okay..."

The disappointed sigh was obvious, Beth wanted us home. Since Rick left she has been very depressed and almost always had a bottle of wine in her hand. Everything that Jerry said suddenly had meaning and her job became less important. As much as you wanted to watch the shower, you didn't want to push your luck with Beth.

Your parents were still missing and the Smiths were kind enough to take you in.

You take a deep breath and put on your kindest smile "It's alright Morty. Let's go. Space isn't going anywhere."

You take his hand and grab the basket. "We can come back and have lunch here tomorrow."

He nods, "Okay, but you are making lunch tomorrow. I'm sick of eating pills." He shutters.

You laugh "Yeah those pills are nasty. I think I still have Ramen, and those green onion we started growing."

You share jokes all the way to the house. Sadly Conroy was waiting at the door.

"Morty, (Y/N). You were about to break curfew. I must insist you come inside."

"Yes, Conroy." You say in unison.

Inside at the dinner table, you see Beth nursing a glass of wine, Jerry in a weird shirt with medals, Summer staring blankly at her plate of pills, and 2 empty places for you and Morty.

All you really want to do is lay down. You hated talking to that stupid help-bot Conroy but you didn't have a choice.

"Conroy, I'm actually very tired. Could I have my pills in my room instead?"

He scans you to make sure you're not lying. "Have you been having nightmares again? Would you like more sleeping pills in your dinner?"

"Oh no, but thank you for the offer, Conroy. No more nightmares, I just didn't sleep well last night. I'll be fine."

He tilts forward like he was nodding and grabs your plate. Gently handing to you.

"I will come in and check on you in an hour to take your plate. Sleep well (Y/N)"

You make your way to Rick's old room and lay down.

The bed was no bigger than a twin but pretty comfy. Around the room, there were a variety of microscopes, unopened boxes, a small tv,  and lots of drawings cover the walls connected by strings. It never made sense to you so you left it alone. You try to close your eyes and sleep but then you remember the pills Conroy gave you. Yesterday he force-fed Summer hers when she didn't touch them, with the hope of not experiencing that for yourself you take as many as you can. You feel sick but there is still a handful left, taking your chances you leave to plate and the night side table and laydown. You face the wall and wait for Conroy to grab the plate. The sooner he thinks your asleep the quicker you can sneak into Morty's room so you and him can watch the meteor shower.

You lay in pure silence, counting down the minutes just waiting for the hour to pass.

No Conroy.

You know it's been an hour, why hasn't he come in yet. You wait another 30 minutes...another hour...No Conroy.

You press your ear to the wall. Nothing. You open the door and walk towards the living room. Beth is on the couch passed out with a now empty bottle of wine, but still no sign of that robot. By the back door, you see a green light outside, but as you get close the light was gone.

You sigh and make your way up to Morty's room, giving the door a soft knock so knows you're there. Only to your surprise, Morty was gone, you sit on his bed. The meteor shower was about to start. You wait but keep looking towards the window, Morty promised to watch this with you...

5 minutes pass. No Morty.

10 Minutes pass. No Morty

25 minutes pass No Morty.

You sigh and look out the window, the meteor shower was in full effect and Morty was gone.

You stand up and go back to Rick's room. Disappointed, and fall right to sleep.

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