Let Down The Walls

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"(Y/N)! Come upstairs please!" You roll off your bed, quite literally, and hit the floor with a smack. What could mom want at this hour? It's only... you glance at the clock that rests on your desk. ...Crap... it's past noon. You quickly get dressed in something half decent and make your way upstairs. I mean it's not like your going anywhere. You find your mom in the kitchen surrounded by boxes with 2 people you met yesterday. Why are there people!? Why now! I'm not wearing makeup and I look like Death if he didn't sleep for 2 days!

"Aw geez! H-hey there (Y/N)! How'd ya' sleep?"

Your eyes meet your shorter house guest, he rubs the back of his head and gives a dorky smile. You can't help but smile back at him as you feel a warm glow rush to your cheeks. Am I blushing?!  You take a deep breath and speak up quietly. "I... I slept fine. Thank you." You do an awkward shuffle to stand behind your mother, only to have her move to the side and press her back against the counter. Shutting down your only defense against guests and pulling you into a tight hug. "(Y/N) you remember Beth and Morty Smith from across the street, yes?" You feel her hand gripping your shoulder tight and stares at you as if to tell you "Talk to the new neighbors or so help me, I will spear you with eye lasers and force you to go outside!" You jolt upright and fix your shirt and move your attention back to the guests, but keeping your eyes locked with the kitchens tile floor.

"Howdy Mrs. Smith and Morty..." Your voice soft and quiet.

"Hello. Wow, You-you're really shy aren't you (Y/N)?" Morty gives a nervous laugh and you feel more heat in your cheeks.

"Morty! It's alright to be shy, she just moved here. Don't be rude." Beth shares the same nervous smile and grips his shoulder.

"Aw geez, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to upset you or anything. I-I..." His face starts to glow a bright red.

He's so... CUTE! "Hehe!" You smile brightly and start to giggle. "It's okay Mrs. Smith. I don't mind!" 

You see your mother's face beaming with joy while you giggle, quickly bringing you into a tight embrace.

______________________SMALL TIME JUMP______________________

After a little while your mother, Beth, and Morty talked you into a drive around town to get a lay of the land. The school, the store, town square, and the mall. They were all really nice but they didn't truly grasp your attention. You start to squirm in your seat feeling a little cramped, and Morty seems to take the hint. "Hey, mom maybe we should show them the park a-and you know... to stretch a bit." Did he say park!  You stop your shifting and sit upright, turning your head violently to look at Morty flashing him a big smile unable to contain your excitement.

"There is a park here!? Is it big? Elegant? Pretty? Are there lots of trees and flowers!"

"Oh yeah geez. It's kinda big I guess and it-its got a lot of trees and flowers. There are also some hiking trails you know if your into that sort of thing..."

Your mother snickers and turns to Beth. "Well Beth. Your son said the magic word and (Y/N) looks rearing to go." She turns up the music and listens to Beth's directions.


Sorry for a shorter chapter I look forward to writing more! (^~^)

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