Late Night

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This chapter is rather painful and close to me.
In this Chapter, you will learn about a boy named Jack (Blue) the reason you've taken this grief ridden walk in the middle of the night.
Jack, otherwise known as blue, is your twin brother. He was killed in a tragic car accident.
Sorry for the delay on this chapter, enjoy.

Your PoV
Your face is buried in your hands, alone and crying in the cave that Morty had shown you earlier. A small picture of your brother is resting on a rock beside you. As you rub your eyes you catch a glance at the photo. "Jack..."
The photo was of you and Jack together sitting outside on a big tree, 7 years ago. Specifically, crazy hair day at school. You both had messy undercuts and where smiling like dorks at the camera. If you both wore the same outfit almost nobody could tell you 2 apart, the only difference was the hair. Yours had a lot of bright ruby red highlights and Jack had a lot of bright cyan blue highlights. At school that day they called the 2 of you "Red and Blue" and the nickname stuck. From then on it was rare to use your real names.

"Come on Red. You can't stay in your room forever..."
"Go away Blue... I don't want to talk about it"
Blue pulls a blanket off of you to find you crying curled up on the floor. Scratch marks covered your arms.
"Red. Why do you always scratch your arms when you're upset? It's not healthy..."
You rub your eyes and sniffle. You don't know where the urge to scratch your arms every time you got upset came from but you had been doing it for awhile.
"I...I don't know..."
You look down to the floor ashamed. The 2 of you had just gotten home from school but on the way back a bully had thrown your backpack and books into a thorn bush. He pulled at your hair and called you a mistake. Sadly this happened more often than you wanted to admit. Blue takes your hand and pulls you up.
"Hey... Mom gave me some money. Do you want to get some ice cream?"
You smile softly. "Yeah...I'd like that"
You and Blue walk outside and down the street toward the old ice cream shop. Hand in hand and smiling, you get closer to the sidewalk and you see the sign counting down. Letting go of his hand, you take off into a sprint to make it across the street Blue following quickly behind. As you reach the end of the street you turn to look at your brother a smile on his face as he runs after you. The timer ticks down
A big semi comes barreling down the street...
But he isn't slowing down..
The semi missed you but the same could not be said for your brother. A flash of silver comes into view and the semi has stopped farther up the street but he is gone. Instead of a happy face and a perfect companion, a stream of blood and pieces litters the road and the sound of your own screaming echoes through town.

You raise your head only to realize your face to face with Morty.
"(Y/N)?!?! What are you doing here?
He leans down and picks up the photograph.
"A-are you okay?"
You feel more pressure rising up in your eyes and tears fall once more. Unable to hold back the urge to cry anymore you give in as the tears fall rapidly. Morty runs over and holds you tightly and a wave of calm and safety rushes over you. When you finally calm down enough to talk, you tell Morty about your brother.
"Wow... Th-that's a lot of crap... But why did you come here?"
You remember what happened earlier today
"I felt safe's far from everyone else and nobody can see me cry. It's" you feel a warmth rise in your cheeks
"Safe?" Morty jumps in and finishes your sentence
You smile softly
"Yeah. How'd' you know?"
"I feel the same way, (y/n)"

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