Moving Forward

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Rick... You left me here.
You've spent all this time in an intergalactic prison and you didn't even give me the courtesy of a phone call before you TURNED YOURSELF IN!
You expect me to be okay with you just running off!!!
My face burned with anger and embarrassment.

Is this really how I feel? Rick..he's easily almost 4 times my age and yet.. why do I want to hug him...
Why despite him abandoning me do I just want him to... to have me...

I can't let this continue...

"Rick... I want you to leave..."

Morty warned me...this is what he does...he runs and lives his life regardless of others and he doesn't care. I won't be a toy for some old man that won't care.

"Rick I'm serious...please"
My voice straining to find the strength to speak
"Just go, Rick."

________5 Years later________

Knock knock knock

The sound just seemed to echo in the quiet house as I worked at my desk.
Since coming back from the hospital a lot had happened.
The raids and mass panic after the Galactic Federation had first touched down caused a lot of strife.

Mom and Dad had been attacked and after some time in the hospital they just never got better.
It's been 4 years since they passed, the first year was the hardest.
Beth and Jerry were kind enough to help figure out the situation with the house and got the title put in my name.
Mom came from a wealthy family and had set aside more than enough for me to live comfortably for almost 15 years.
I graduated high school and was taking my generals online. After everything, I didn't go outside unless I needed to.

Knock knock knock knock

No.. please go away.
My eyes were burning as I stared at my screen.
Desperate for the answer to my math final to just show itself.

The downside of staying inside all the time is you forget to sleep to a point.
I had stayed up for 2 days trying to validate it as me studying for my final but truthfully it was to have a better excuse to skip out on therapy.
After my parents died Beth tried to take me to their family therapist and she was okay.
There is nothing wrong with getting help but right now I just didn't want it, I just wanted to stay right where I was. Where I felt safe.

Finally, the answer was right in front of my face. I quickly selected it and clicked submit, sinking into my chair now that I was done with school for the I was alone with my thoughts except for-

Knock knock knock knock Knock KNOCK!

That world-class annoyingly loud ass knock.
I turn around in my chair and hurried to the front door.
This better not be some missionary or salesman or I might lose it.

"(Y/N)! I-i-i was worried any longer and I was going to try the back door huhuh"
Morty laughs as he makes his way inside and settles on the couch, pulling out a laptop to hook into the tv.

Since I told Rick to leave, Morty has been coming over every other day and staying over most weekends, so long as he wasn't going on adventures.
He's been a constant comfort after I was left alone, his maturity never ceases to amaze me. He had grown so much over the years thanks to puberty.
He was days away from turning 19 and graduated high school the week prior with no help from Rick.
The number of remedial lessons and late-night study sessions the 2 of us shared, it was amazing that he even passed.

"Hey, I was wondering... maybe now that I've graduated do you think I could.." His voice trailed off and before he could finish his thought his phone started ringing. It wasn't hard to figure out who called him, the look on his face was enough.

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