Spa Day part 1

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After a quick portal jump we made it to Planet Squanch.

It was an odd place but as you've begun to learn, most of space was.
It was similar to the Grand Canyon but with different colors and every ridge and rock was slightly warped.
The spa stood on the ridge of a large crater, made by what you can only assume was a giant asteroid or a ridiculous amount of explosives.

The front of the building was made entirely up of glass. A cat like person was waving at us while holding a small box no bigger than a school binder.

"Rick! Morty! Glad you could make it!"

            "Hey Squanchy!" they say in union.

Rick and Morty shake hands with him smiling and chatting. After a few minutes he notices you standing behind Rick, and pushes him aside.

"Wow Rick, who's this pretty little squanch?"
He grabs your hand and goes to kiss it but Rick grabs his shoulder, his fingers dig into the strangers arm forcing him to let go of your hand.
"Squanchy" Rick hisses through his teeth. "This is (Y/N) she is my neighbor and a friend of Morty. I expect you to behave yourself. You see him put more effort into his grip.
Squanchy seethes slightly and nods. "Of course Rick. Wouldn't do anything to her squanch."

Rick releases his shoulder and steps closer to you.
"*bURP* (Y/N) this is Squanchy. He is an old college of mine. He-he's a little rough around the edges but he means well."

Rick gently takes your hand and ushers you to the spa entrance, but stops just before door.

            "Oh Squanchy, thanks again for picking this up for me. I-I-I really appreciate it."

You didn't see before but he had tucked the box under his other arm and he was holding it close to his body.

Morty rips your hand from Rick's and pulls you inside.

"I'm gonna show (Y/N) around, we'll meet you at the food court Rick!

Rick frowns but turns back to Squanchy. You see him sit on the ground in defeat as the doors shut behind you.

Morty tugs you though another set of doors leading into a greenhouse full of colorful exotic plants. The walls and doors here look like crystals. You can't see through them but the still allow the outside sunlight to refract though them and scatter small rainbows thought the green house. Your stuck were you stand, the soft and sweet smell of the flowers, the bright and warm colors, they make you feel at peace. As you take off your jacket you hear music coming from deeper in the greenhouse.
"Morty, do you hear that?"

            "He smiles and starts walking towards the music. You follow behind him, listening to the sound growing louder and louder.
He stops you and points up into a tree at something that looks like a squirrel with wings.

"Aww geez, I don't know what these are but I always see them when me and Rick some here. They are always singing. P-pretty cool right?"

You stare at the odd creature and smile.

"Yeah it is kind of cool."

After wondering the spa you learn that each room has a designated hot spring pool, free massage, several hair removal and nail tech stations, it has a full food court and even a couple little stand up shops.

You spot Rick at a table in the food court, he is still talking with Squanchy but there seems to be less tension. They have a brief moment of laughter before you and Morty reach the table. Rick tosses some paper into the box before closing it.

"Took you long enough. I already ordered food so don't bother looking around." He takes a long swig from his flask and pulls out the chair closest to him with his foot. Tilting his head as if telling you to sit.
You sit down next to him and Morty settles next to Squanchy.

"H-hey Rick what's the box for? You know your-your acting really strange"

Morty reaches for the box but rick slaps his hand away.


"Don't thi*Burp*ink about it Morty"

At that moment bug creature hands you a tray of food and Rick divides it all out. The rest of lunch is full of war stories from when Rick and Squanchy first met. The entire time you stared at that box, and the small piece of paper sticking out of it.

"To (y/n)

Love Rick"

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