Spa Day Part 3

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You staring at Morty and he looks very angry.
"Um... Morty? Are you okay?"

Morty quickly shakes his head and smiles. "Aw geeze, Yeah I'm okay (Y/N)! That balcony just makes me sick sometimes. I-It must be the heights!" He laughs to himself and walks of towards the pool.

In the center of the crater there was an enormous pool, complete with a large waterfall. The water was a deep indigo yet the bottom was completely visible, It looked about 12 feet deep maybe more.
Morty cannonballs towards the center splashing you and Rick. You glance at Rick an smirk, the 2 of you toss your robes by the chairs and jump in right next to Morty. As the water settles you all just laugh.

It felt so free.

After about an hour of swimming you go and inspect the waterfall. You see there is a small space behind it. No wider than 2 people standing shoulder to shoulder. A small ledge is nestled about hip height in the water, making it a nice little place to sit. You can hear Rick and Morty talking about something but can't really make out the words. Taking a deep breath you stare out through the waterfall.

"This is bliss."

POV Morty Smith

As (Y/N) swam over to the waterfall you look to Rick.

"Rick, We need to have a talk."

You didn't like how close Rick was getting to her, and you know Rick gave her the swimsuit. The ones the spa gave you were either white, yellow, or black.

Once on land Rick puts on his robe and gently starts folding (Y/N)'s. You rip it out of his hands.

"Stop. Just stop, don't touch her stuff. You think you being smooth Rick but you're not. I-I-I know what you're doing. The only time you were ever this nice was with Unity. If anyone gets to have (Y/N), i-i-it should be me. O-Okay? We are closer in age, we like the same games and shows. So just leave her alone!"

"Take a pill Morty. I'm being nice because she's a smart kid. It's called being civil, M-*burp*orty."

He takes back the robe folds it and places it on a chair with her slippers. Smiling to himself.

"R-rick I know you got her that swimsuit. I saw you working on the design last week."

He stiffens and grabs your arm with a lot of force.

"Now you listen here you little shit. I-I-I'll cope to it. I like her, but I'm not gonna stop. She gets to pick who she likes.  Not me and not you."

He lets go and takes his Robe off again, diving in towards the waterfall.

"w-whatever Rick"

I grab my slippers and make my way towards the hot tub.

Back to (Y/N)

You open your eyes to see Rick on the side of the waterfall, you scoot over and he happily joins you.

"So (Y/N)... did you read that note I left you..?"

            "No. Not yet. Thank you for the swimsuit by the way, it's beautiful."

"Yeah. I'm glad you like it."

You feel the heat rise in your cheeks, sharing a moment of silence that seems never ending.

"Hey Rick...there is actually something I want to talk to you about, and it's kind of important." You turn to look at him and you notice that Rick was rather built for a man his age.
Strong shoulders, slim but firm frame, his arms were bigger than his shirt and lab coat would let on. His wet hair slicked back giving you a good view of his eyes.

"(Y/N)? What's wrong?"

You look down to your lap to avoid staring at his body more.

"'s about the New Year's party...when you...when WE kissed."

He blushes and looks down as well. "Ah. You remember that."

"I'm not mad Rick. I just need to know how you feel about me."

Rick takes your hand cautiously. "How do you feel about me?"

"I.." you look back at him, he is staring again but his eye are pleading and hopeful. "I think I love you Rick."

"Love is a chemical humans have that urge them to mate. Th-the real question is do you care for me... do you trust me?"

Rick is close. VERY close. You can smell his breath but it's sweet and doesn't reek of alcohol.

"Yes. I trust you Rick, more than anyone."



"I trust you."

Your mind melts as you share an intimate, and lustful kiss.

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