A Friend and His Grandpa

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You wake up in a room that is unfamiliar to you. Gray walls, no windows, a small bed,  1 thin blanket and the overwhelming stench of alcohol.
Sitting up, you swing your legs over the bed and your feet touch the cold floor.
What is this place?
You stand up and you feel an empty bottle near your feet.
What's going on here...? The last thing I remember is hiding in the cave with...MORTY!!!! Did he kidnap me?! Did he drug me?!
You walk to the the the door slowly and just as you go to open it, an older man with bright blue hair opens the door.
"W-burp-What the!! Who the hell are you?"
He grabs you and pushes you against the wall. His hot breath reeked of whiskey and vodka as he talked down to you. You hear frantic footsteps above you and the older man covers your mouth.
"You better not be saying an-ANY-thing unless you're answering my questions. So who are you and why are you in my room?"
You tremble and shake but can't seem to get more than your name out.
"M-my name i-is (Y/N)..."
The blue hair man was getting more and more aggressive, thrusting his hand into his lab coat pocket and pulled out a sci-fi looking gun and pressed it to your temple. His eyes like daggers, piercing your soul.
Morty stands in the doorway in a panic
"Oh oh god. (Y/N), are you okay? I'm so so sorry! Rick would please just...put the gun down..?"
Rick scoffs and puts the gun away and takes a step back.
"Why is there a depressed art degree drop out doing in my room Morty?"
Morty ignores him, gives you a hug and checks you all over while muttering to himself.
You hear a deep growl from Rick. "Morty..."
"S-sorry Rick...There was an incident last night and I panicked. You're never in your room, I thought that it would be okay."
You find yourself staring at Rick. You don't know why but something about him seemed familiar... While the 2 men argue you slip out of the room and find your way out of the house and run back to yours. Sneaking around to the back staircase and the basement door you quietly make your way back into your house. You tip-toe back to your room and collapse onto your bed.
Something tells me I'll be seeing a lot more of those 2 boys...

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