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On Thursday morning, I walked to school alone. Anna hadn't come around to my apartment to walk with me, not that I expected her to, anyways. She seemed very friendly with that boy in the lunch line the other day. She probably got a ride to school from him.

By the time I entered the school, the start of my first class was coming closer and closer. To be honest, I was way too tired to be going to school in the first place. As I laid in bed, trying to fall asleep, I kept thinking about the conversation between Death and I.

"You will not succeed, Regan Armel. Not if I have anything to do with it," he had said. That confused me to no end. If he was going to stop me from saving Ashton's life, why would he have asked me to do it in the first place?

I took a seat on a bench near my first period class. I was actually starting to doze off when I felt a nudge on my left shoulder. My eyes shot open. "Hey," whispered the culprit. Ashton stood above me, blocking the light from the bulbs above us.

He plopped down beside me. We both sat there kind of awkwardly. "Uh, I was going to invite you to walk with me this morning, but I didn't know what floor you lived on," he said, sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Really? You were?" I asked. Not once did I think Ashton would want me to go anywhere with him.

"Yeah. Sure. We are friends, right?"

My eyes glistened in awe. So we were getting somewhere. In your face, Death! I scooted over and wrapped my arms around Ashton—which may or may not have been a good idea. He seemed a little shocked at first. But seconds later he relaxed and started to hug me back.

"Sorry, that was weird," I said when I let go of him. He didn't say anything, which worried me more. But he did smile at me eventually. I felt pleased.

The school bell rang, causing both of us to jump. Ashton sprung up and headed towards the door that was only a few yards away from us. I thought he was just going to walk in and try to avoid me, but he stood with the door open for me. "Thank you," I whispered to him when I stepped in.

Michael walked in right after me. His lips were swollen, and his hair looked too messy to be 'morning hair.' I smirked at him, and he rolled his eyes.

"Looks like your best friend had a little fun this morning, Ashton," I said. Ashton released a small chuckle, high-fiving Michael as they both sat down. We didn't talk for the rest of the class period.

I couldn't really pay attention much to the lesson—one that I've already learned—because I was too focused on the fact that Ashton called us friends. We were going somewhere.

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