twenty three

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I entered the school building the next day, Ashton by my side once again, and disappeared to my locker. Over the past few days, I had grown a lot closer to him, and informed him on things that I told no one else. And to think only three weeks ago, he avoided all contact with me when we were in first period or the mail room, and now he was walking me to school every morning, and sometimes begging me to skip it. 

It was a lot to take in. I felt accomplished with myself. Death was probably furious watching me win this little bet we had going on. I could only imagine how red his pale face would get just seeing the two of us getting along so well. 

Everything with Ashton was comfortable. He was slowing becoming more than just a friend, and by that, I mean almost best friend level. He listened to what I had to say a lot more than Anna ever did, and never interupted me to talk about something else. He made sure I had everything I needed to say out of my system. I was really grateful for him. 

The whole deal was almost over, and that scared me. I had only a litle over ten days to make sure Ashton was content with his life and not wanting to end it. I don't know what I would do if he decided to end things after all. He was a great person to me, to everyone he interacted with, and I really cared about him. 

In the beginning of this whole thing, I didn't really care about he felt. I just needed to keep he and I alive. That was my main goal. But now, it was much more than that. I felt like I needed to save him because he deserved it. Ashton deserved everything. 

The two of us seperated when we entered the crowded hallway, both us of going to our lockers to get the appropriate books for our classes. I told him I'd see him in first period, and he nodded, walking in the direction to his own locker.

Anna's locker was two down from mine. She was already standing there, trying to open the lock on it, but failing miserably due to a large bouquet of flowers in one hand, and a stack of books in the other. "Regan, do you mind helping me with this?" she asked, turning her head to me. I walked on over to her and unlocked her locker with the combination she had recited to me. "Thanks."

"Who are those from?" I wondered aloud. They were probably from her precious boyfriend. She had been texting me so many things that he did for her way before they were dating, so I had no doubt that this was another cute gift he gave her. 

Calum was a great guy—I've seen and heard many good things about him. He was fairly popular to the student body, and I had no doubt that it was because he was captain of the soccer team. One time, my mom decided that we should go watch a game, because we hardly ever went to school events. Back then, he was still a great player. It didn't surprise me that that's why everyone likes him so much. But there were other reasons for that, too. He was really nice, and talked to everyone that talked to him first, even if it was considered lame of him. 

I could go on and on about how amazing Calum was, but because he was Anna's boyfriend, I had to stop myself. He was just generally a great, happy person. His happiness was contagious. Anna showed that pretty well. 

"Calum bought them for me," she said, showing me the little tag that came along with them. In blue marker was his name, written in unmistakably girly handwriting. That must have been another great perk about him: he had readable handwriting. Anna has sure outdone herself with this one. 

The bell rang suddenly, causing everyone in the hallways to shuffle around. I slammed my locker closed and locked it. Anna wasn't finished admiring her flowers yet. I had to physically remove them from her and stuff them in her locker, in which I also closed and locked. We waved goodbye to each other, and I met up with Ashton, who waiting for me near the benches that sat in front of our class. We walked in together. 

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