forty seven

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"You look so pretty," Ashton said, smiling at me as he moved a strand of hair that kept falling in my eyes.

The two of us were laying together in his bed, with the covers pulled up to our waists. After we left the bathroom, he led me there, and we'd been there ever since. After he told me he thought he loved me, he kissed me before I could react and told me not to say anything at all about it. Ashton told me not to worry or think too much, because he wasn't sure about his feelings, and he didn't want to disappoint me if they were false. That statement kind of ruined the mood, but I knew he had a lot of things on his mind at the moment, so I didn't blame him.

Things with Ashton were finally going smoothly. There had been so much drama in the span of about a week, and I was glad that things were now on a good note. Only two days were left, and if I could keep things the way they are, prevent Ashton from killing himself before the deadline, and destroy the Death deal, we could all be okay. That was all we needed.

So I laid there with Ashton, who wasn't wearing a shirt anymore, and smiled as I watched him do the same thing back. That's all we seemed to do until it got dark. The day was almost over, which meant I had even less time. If things ended up going bad by tomorrow, I'd probably be out of luck, and I'd lose Ashton for good. I tried not to think about that as we enjoyed each other's company.

"Thank you," I replied. It was about nine o'clock, and Harry had already disappeared to his bedroom. Lauren said something about going to a friend's house. It gave us a perfect excuse to be alone with each other.

Ashton scooted closer to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into him. I rested my head on his bare chest. His heart beat was loud and fast. With his chin placed on the top of my head, he murmured, "I'm sorry for everything I've put you through."

I just shushed him, because I didn't want to ruin the moment. Things were just becoming more comfortable and peaceful, and I wanted it to stay that way. We didn't need to continue getting mad at each other because we couldn't let the topic go. What was done is done, and there's no way that we could change it.

Ashton moved over away from me and towards the edge of his bed. I turned the other way so I could see what he was doing. He was hunched over something that was placed on the floor. Suddenly music started to play from his stereo that was placed in the corner of the room. He whipped his head in my direction, and a giant smile was on his face.

I didn't know what song was playing or who the band was that was singing, but it seemed to bring Ashton joy, so I smiled. He started walking back to the bed. Ashton got on it again by the foot of the bed, and crawled over to me by shuffling his knees. When he reached me, he was on top of me, straddling me like he had the day we officially got together.

Instead of tickling me, Ashton leaned his body down and brought his face near mine. Before he could kiss me, I teased him by saying, "You smell," and flicking his chest.

He didn't take my fake insult to offense, or even pretend that it hurt his feelings like he normally would have. Instead, he brought his face closer, and pressed his lips to mine. His hands were placed on the pillow I was laying on, on both sides of my head. I could feel him smiling on my lips, and I couldn't help but have butterflies flying around in my stomach.

Ashton kissed me like he had every other time, with boundaries. I wasn't sure if he knew that he could do more than he was, but he wasn't pressing on. I was thankful that he wasn't in it to get laid, but just to kiss me because he wanted to kiss me. It was nice to know that not all guys wanted to have sex after only a few days of dating.

So he continued to kiss me, pressing his lips to mine in pure affection. I put my hands on his chest like he had directed me earlier that day, and he seemed to like when I did that, because he moaned against my lips. I almost laughed at him, because not a lot of guys got turned on because of a girl's hands on their chest. Not that I knew of, anyways.

I really liked being around Ashton. He made me instantly happy everytime he was near me. I liked his smile, and when the skin around his eyes would crinkle. If I could, I would kiss him every second.

Ashton's lips made their way down to my neck and up towards the spot below my ear. I loved when he kissed there. He brought his body down on me even more than it had been, sliding his arms down so he was closer to me. With an empty hand, he pulled up the bottom of my shirt. Then he looked me in the eyes.

"Can I, like, kiss you there? On your stomach? Do you mind?" he asked gently. He slid his fingers across the bare parts of my stomach, making goosebumps spread all over my body. I nodded my head, in which he took as an invitation.

He smiled at me. He moved himself over so he had more access to me. Ashton brought his lips to right side of my stomach, leaving gentle kisses there. Then he pecked the top of my belly, stopping where the shirt was covering the rest of my body.

The moment was so peaceful and sentimental. I didn't it to end. When Ashton brought my shirt back down, I sat up enough so I could reach his lips again. With my arms wrapped around him, our lips connected and I felt my heart beat fast. Nothing else mattered in that moment. That was all we needed, to escape the world and enjoy ourselves together.

Ashton managed to pull me on top of him, giving me control now. He had been the one to direct almost everytime we kissed, and now I had the opportunity to take this where I wanted it to go.

I had my hands underneath his head, but I moved them around as I played with his hair. His eyes were closed. I could see his eyelashes fluttering as he moved his lips on mine. I removed some sweat-covered hair from the tops of his head, and gently kissed him on his nose.

It was my turn to kiss him where he had never been kissed before. I started down his neck, leaving small pecks on it as I moved down his body. Then my lips found themselves on his chest, where they lingered for a few seconds at a time. Ashton's breathing got a little heavier than before. When I reached lower on his own stomach, I watched his eyes shoot open and he let out a gasp.

"It's okay," I said, pulling my head back up so I could meet his eyes. My hands were placed on the sides of his torso, which I squeezed a little bit. Ashton bit on his lip as he sat up again like I had earlier. Then our lips reconnected.

When we separated, Ashton smiled at me. "I know something I love about you," he said.

"What's that?"

"I love the way you kiss me."

And I took that as a cue to reattach our lips one more time tonight. Ashton ran his tongue across my bottom lip, smiled against mine, and traced his fingertips up and down the skin under my shirt.

Ashton and I laid down after that. I could hear both of our hearts beating, heavy breaths escaping from our lips, and small laughs come after. Our hands were intertwined together.

It was crazy, because only hours before, Ashton was angry with me because I cared about him. He wanted me to leave him alone so he could harm himself in peace. And then I walked in on him somewhat doing so, and now we were together, loving each other like real couples should.

I wanted to lay there forever. This was how it needed to be. We needed this.

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