author's note

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guys. guys. i'm literally in a towel right now writing this because i just got out of the shower, and i'm so happy right now, honestly. i literally got out before shaving my legs because i needed to write this little author's note for you.

wow. i honestly cannot believe that it's over. i remember sitting in my room thinking of a lot of different scenerios and this whole idea popped in my head and i was like, "wow, okay. let's write this."

the actual inspiration to write this story was actually amounts of suicides and funerals that i've experienced in my family. i kept rethinking them all and i wondered what would happen if i got the chance to save them. i mixed up a bunch of names, created a small plot, and boom, that's how 'savior' happened.

i actually have a lot of people i want to thank for this. firstly, i want to thank you all for not just skipping over this story when you found it. if it wasn't for you all, this story would've been nowhere and i probably would've deleted it by the third or fourth chapter. so thanks a lot.


personal 'thank you's:

my best friend brooklynn (wattpad user brooklynnmoore)— dude i love you so much. had you not allowed me to use your computer that day when i came over, this story might not have even happened, or would've happened a whole different way. you're super awesome, and i swear you deserve the world. thank you for supporting me with this story 100%.

bo (wattpad user queenarry)— thank you so much, for everything. thank you for helping me with writer's block and allowing me to use some ideas that you had. you're the first friend i've made here on wattpad, and the first australian friend that i've made ever. your hair is awesome and i love your face and stories and you a lot.

pamela (wattpad user ukuleluke)— we've recently become friends but i already love you to death. you've been here from the beginning of the story and watched it as it grew and your comments never fail to make me laugh. i'm excited to continue this friendship with you and keep you updated on my thoughts about future stories.

emily (wattpad user floridagirl1997)— you've been here from the start and you've never failed to amaze me with the support and input you put into this story. GUYS. she's actually a real awesome writer, and if you like reading teen fiction or any stories that aren't fan fiction, go check out her account and read some of her stories. i love them all.


okay, so now that this story is over, and i'm still freaking out about it, i'm going to start writing different stories for the other boys. i've actually already started one of them, a michael fan fiction called 'milkshakes.' it's going to be really cute, so if you want some michael feels, i suggest reading what i've written (???).

oh, and i'm not going to write a sequel to this story. i don't really have any ideas for one and i don't think it would work if i did. i'd probably end up deleting it at some point, and i don't want to disappoint any of you that expect it to be good.


if you guys want to talk to me—about anything, really—my kik and wattpad messages are always open. i love hearing what you have to say and i want to communicate with you guys as much as i can.

my kik is: aero17c


i'm never going to get over the fact that this is over. i don't know what else to say now. thank you guys for putting in so much time and effort into reading, commenting, and voting for this story. like, seriously, i'll never be able to thank you enough. at first i never thought i'd hit a thousand, and now as i end it, it's already passed one hundred thousand. i'm in tears.


last thing: i'm going to be writing as many fan fictions as i can in the future, and not many people ever see their names in them. so if you'd like to see your name be used in a future fan fiction, inline-comment your name and i'll try to use it in future books.


thank you so much, seriously.

-aeryn xx

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