thirty six

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"You're a great fucking kisser, Armel," Ashton said, laughing, while leaning on the back of my couch. He kept touching his lips. I couldn't help but giggle at him. He was literally the most adorable person I had ever seen. While I watched him, in his completely dazed state, I realized that I was his first kiss. He had never had female attention before I came around.

And even though that was true, he was an excellent kisser, too. It was like he knew exactly what he was doing. I walked over to him, pecked him on the lips, and then pushed him over the side of the couch by shoving him on his bare chest. Ashton started to laugh. 

Everything was going so fast, but I didn't care. I was happy, and by the looks of it, Ashton was happy, too. He followed me to my bedroom, where I planned on changing my clothes, and getting ready for school. Hanging over the edge of my bed was the shirt Ashton loaned me. I plucked it off the bed and threw it at him.

"I've got to change, Ash. Get out," I said, pushing him towards my door. His skin was very warm. He kept trying to kiss me as I directed him out, because he was still facing me and walking backwards towards the door at the same time, but I placed my fingers on his lips. He kissed them instead.

When I closed the door on him, I heard him let out a small disappointed groan. I locked my door, laughing, and turned around to face my closet, which happened to be empty. I changed my direction, heading towards my suitcase, and unzipped it. I picked out a flowy pink shirt, a pair of jeans, and my boots. It was almost November, which was close to December. It was very cold out already.

Ashton was leaning against the outside of the door, and when I opened it, he came stumbling into my bedroom. I couldn't help but laugh at his shocked expression. In the span of about fifteen minutes, we went from sad, to shocked, to extremely happy, and now to very giggly. It was awesome. "Oh, so you think that's funny?" Ashton questioned, smiling at me.

"I find it extremely hilarious."

Ashton began to chase after me. The shirt that he must have thrown over his head while he was standing in the hallway covered his hands, but he had no trouble catching me. Once again, he had me leaned up against a wall, this time it being my bedroom wall. His face was inches from me, but he wasn't doing anything.

"You want to know what I find funny?" he asked.

I began to get a little scared, because with Ashton, you never knew what to expect. He could've thought opening my window and throwing me out of it was the funniest thing on the planet. I gulped. "What?" I questioned.

Ashton tickled me. He rested his fingers on my stomach, and when I thought he was going to kiss me again, I felt his fingers attacking me, and I instantly started laughing like a maniac and gasping for breath. "This," Ashton said, scooting me over towards my bed, all while keeping his tickling fingers on my body.

I basically fell upon it, so hard that I could have possibly broken my neck if it was close to the edge. Still, he tickled me, and I couldn't breathe. I started to kick him, but that was until he got over me and straddled me, sitting where he wouldn't get hit by my legs. I covered my face with my pillow, in order to keep my screams to myself. Ashton wouldn't stop. He was laughing the whole time.

Suddenly my bedroom door swung open. My mother was standing in the doorway. I sat up as much as I could with Ashton sitting upon me. He had whipped his head around to face our intruder, and once he realized who she was, he scrambled off of me, and sat at the edge of my bed with his legs crossed together.

"Who's this?" she said, nodding her head in the direction of Ashton. He looked down at his lap and bit his lip, unsure if he should say something or stay quiet.

I rested my hand on his knee. "Mom, this is Ashton," I stated. "He's, uh, my boyfriend."

Ashton's head shot up, and he looked at me. A big grin formed on his face. He removed one of his hands from his lap and placed it on top of my own. I know he hadn't even really asked to be my boyfriend, but I wanted him to. It was obvious the both of us had feelings for each other; it was undeniable with all the kisses we had shared in the previous minutes.

My mom didn't say anything. She just sighed and walked into a different room. I felt disappointed. I wanted her to ask about him, or at least looked like she cared that I had a boyfriend, or something. It was so unfair to me, the way she acted.

Ashton noticed how upset I must have looked. He leaned over and placed a kiss just below my ear. "We should get to school," he whispered.

"You're still wearing pajama pants," I stated, no emotion in my voice at all. Mostly, it was because I was upset, because my mother had returned to ignoring me like usual. It made me sad, because we used to be so close and happy to be together, but now, she just didn't care.

He let out a small laugh. "It's high school. No one really cares what you wear. C'mon. Let's get going." Ashton grabbed my jacket that was placed near the end of my bed, and sat it over my shoulders. When I didn't budge, he picked me up and practically carried me to the door, but it wasn't long until he had to put me down.

He took my hand instead, and led me out of the door, down the stairs, and outside into the fresh air.

"So, I'm your boyfriend now? Is that so?" he said, mocking me. I stuck my tongue out at him. He squeezed my hand.

"If you want to be."

"Alright, Armel. It looks like you've got a pretty hot boyfriend now."

I'll admit, I never saw this day coming when I had told Death that I'd save Ashton's life. But now that it was here, I didn't want to go back. We were both happy with each other, and that's all that mattered; happiness.

And, yeah, maybe I did have a pretty hot boyfriend, too.

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