forty eight

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I should've expected things to go wrong immediately after they finally started going right.

When I woke up, Ashton wasn't lying right beside me anymore. His side of the bed was messy, proving that he had once been there, but he was no longer there, playing with my hair like he had been before we fell asleep. I, myself, threw the blankets off of me, in hopes that I'd find him somewhere in the apartment.

It was really early for us both to be awake; around six o'clock in the morning. When I couldn't feel him right next to me, I instantly woke up. It was still dark outside.

There was only one light on, trying to illuminate the darkness that surrounded the kitchen. I figured maybe he was in there, hopefully making some early morning breakfast. My stomach was grumbling. I turned the corner, walking on my tiptoes in attempt to try and scare him. "Roar!" I shouted as I jumped on the kitchen floor. Ashton wasn't there.

So I stood there, confused and a little embarrassed. I turned on my heel and looked through the other rooms. The living room was empty, as was his mom's room, the bathroom, and the little laundry room. Lauren and Harry were fast asleep in their beds, and Ashton was no where in sight. I retreated back to his room, wishing he would just magically appear there to make me stop worrying so much. But Ashton was still missing.

I dialed his number, but he didn't answer his phone. It only took three rings for me to realize that his phone was sitting really close to me, on his bedside table. And that's what made me start to worry even more, because he could've been anywhere, doing anything, and I wouldn't be there to stop him from getting hurt. The deadline was tomorrow.

I sunk back onto his bed, feeling the tears form in my eyes. There was a possibility that Ashton was hurting himself at this moment, and I had no idea where he was. He could be in trouble.

As of right then, I had no idea where we stood. We hadn't made our relationship official at all last night, as much as I really wanted to. I was going to wait to hear what he thought about it. But even if I wasn't his girlfriend, I was still in charge of protecting him, and not knowing where he was wasn't helping me protect anything.

There was a little slip on his bedside table. I noticed it as I put my phone down on it. I grabbed the little note, which was directed towards me, and read what was written.

It read: hey armel. when you wake up, i probably won't be there. don't take it the wrong way or anything. the hospital just called me and said it was important so i got up as fast as i could and ran out of the door. since there's no school today because of it being teacher work-day or whatever they call it, i figured maybe you can hang around my apartment for a few hours until i come home. there's some more fruity pebbles if you wanna make some breakfast. love ya, bye! 

I'll admit, my heart did a little flip-flop as I read the last three words, because I was thinking maybe he had finally confirmed it to himself that he actually did love me. But then I realized that, hey, maybe he was just in a rush and wasn't thinking about what he was writing. I would've liked the first thought better, but with Ashton, you never knew. Especially when he tells you not to say anything because he's not sure of his feelings.

After reading the note, I felt a rush of relief overtake me. At least I knew he was safe. But then again, he was at the hospital, where his mother was laying, deathly ill. There could be so many possibilities on how the trip could turn out. Either his mom would leave the hospital free from illness, or she'd leave the hospital dead. I was hoping the best for the situation. I wished Ashton would've taken his phone so I could call and see what was up.

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