chapter 1

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That's all I've been doing since I was ten. My parents beat me and treated me like crap. They would hurt me, leave bruises on me, lock me in my room for days with little food and water, and used me as a punching bag. Their son Chases death didn't help either. He was the only one that was nice to me. He talked his parents down from beatings most of the time. When he died, it hurt me so much. His parents blamed me for his death. On the night of my 10th birthday, I ran away from that house and lived on the streets. Having ADHD and Dyslexia didn't make matters any better. I've now been running for four years. I am fourteen, and have long wavy raven black hair and sea green eyes that I've never seen anyone else have. I'm really small for my age and really skinny, but what do you expect for not living in an actual house for four years? Ever since I was twelve at least once a month I have been chased by different monsters-sometimes getting hurt by them too. Somehow, I've found myself in New York city.

I got so tired of running that I finally sat on the steps of an apartment building. Finally, I couldn't hold it in anymore so I just started crying. Until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to find a boy. He looked about sixteen or seventeen. He has the same raven black hair as me and my sea green eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?" The boy asked.

" Yeah I'm fine." I replied wiping my tears. He looked at me with an expression that said he knew I was lying, but hey, I'm not going to go around to strangers saying "No, I'm not okay, you want to hear my life story?" But he continued to look at me with puppy eyes telling me he wanted to know. For some unknown reason I felt I could trust him.

"Umm, my parents have beat me and treated me like crap my whole life so, four years ago on the night of my 10th birthday, I ran away. I've been running ever since then, and sometimes..." I stopped.

"whatever it is you can tell me." Said the boy.

" Sometimes monsters come after me."

"I believe you." I just sat there looking at him. " What's your name?"

"Katherine." I replied

"Uh do you wanna come inside and get some food? You look hungry." He asked. I just looked at him. I was about to say something until he cut me off. "Please, it would be no trouble." He finished as he stuck out his hand for me to take. So,  I took his hand and he led me to the elevator. When we got into the elevator he pulled me in for a hug. "I'll protect you" was all he said before I hugged him back. Then, the elevator opened and he took me by the hand and dragged me down the hall. We stopped at a door and the boy knocked on it. Then, a beautiful lady with brown hair that fell just to her elbows and icy blue eyes opened the door.

"Percy, what are you doing here? Your supposed to be at school!" Said the lady. Oh, so his name is Percy. Then, the lady saw me. "Oh, Percy who's this?" She asked. Before Percy could say anything, I said, "I'm Katherine." She just smiled at me and looked as if she was about to cry. "Oh, where are my manners, I'm Sally, come on in!" Sally said as she put a hand on my back and led me inside a really nice apartment. "Is there anything I can get you?" Sally asked.

"A change of clothes and maybe a shower?" I asked. Sally started giggling "Of course dear" She replied "The bathroom is this way." She showed me to the bathroom. It felt really nice having the cool water hit my skin. I always loved the water. Beaches, oceans, rivers, and everything else having to do with it. Fifteen minutes later, after my shower was done, I found the clothes Sally had put out for me. A really nice electric blue t-shirt and a pair of jeans. I walked out of the bathroom and found Sally and Percy. Sally saw me then said, "Just in time, Katherine. Lunch is ready." I walked to the table and saw sandwiches. I sat beside Percy where there were plates and grabbed one. The sandwiches were so good! This is the first time in a long time that I have been full. Maybe it was because I had three helpings.

Me, Percy, and Sally had spent the day talking and playing games. Before I knew it, it was dark out and a man with salt-and-pepper hair walked in and looked at me. "Sally I didn't know that we were having a guest." He said as Sally walked in the room. She then came over, putting her hand on my back and said, " Paul, this is Katherine. She is going to be staying with us for a while." As she smiled, I looked up at her. "Really?" Was all I managed to say. She pulled me and Percy in for a hug and said "Of course. You can stay with us for as long as you want!" When she said that, I yawned. "You can sleep on my bed tonight if you want, and I'll sleep on the couch" Percy offered.

"No, it's okay I'll sleep on the...." I started, but next thing I knew Percy had thrown me over his shoulders and carried me to his room and set me on his bed.

"No, your sleeping in here." Percy said. I knew it was useless to argue, and I was really tired, so I lay down and Percy but the covers on me and kissed my forehead. "Goodnight, Katherine." Percy said walking away. "Goodnight Percy." I said as I fell asleep.



So here it is guys my very first chapter! I'm quite happy with how it turned out! But what do you guys think? I will try to post the next chapter tomorrow.

P.S big thanks to my best friends Taylor and Elizabeth for helping me with this book.

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