chapter 11

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It's been about a week since I've turned into a wolf. I have to be careful because we figured out that emotions can trigger the transformation. Two days ago, I got really mad and my eyes started to glow yellow again. Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Hazel, Leo, Jason and Nico have been helping me control my emotions. Percy had brought me over to the arena to do more test's. So far, he has screamed in my ear, and I couldn't get mad or annoyed, he has also soaked me with water in the middle of the night. Let's just say I almost turned that time.

"Okay, there's one last test. And you're not going to like it." Percy said.

"No. I didn't like the other test's. I'm really not going to like this one." I told Percy. "After this can we try using my powers?" I asked him.

"Maybe." He said walking away. "Okay Kat, just stand there, close your eyes, don't move and try not to wolf-out."

"What are you guys going to do?" I asked. To be honest I am kinda scared.

"You'll see." Percy said smiling. Oh no. He shot a dodge ball at me but I caught it.

"Okay. That's so cool." I said out of excitement.

"Hey no wolf powers!" Percy yelled. "And close your eyes!"

"Sorry! Didn't mean to." I yelled back and closed my eyes. Next thing I knew I was being hit by dodge balls and water balloons. The key to not shifting is to keep my heart rate steady. So, I just can't get mad at them for throwing things at me. Really easy. Did you pick up on my sarcasm there?

I kept my eyes closed the whole time so I could focus on slowing my heart rate. Annabeth had decided to put a heart monitor on me. I could hear it go off. Wait. Does that mean I have super hearing too? Because the part of the heart monitor that reads the heart beats is in Annabeth's' pocket. Okay this is so cool!

"Kat open your eyes." Percy said. I opened my eyes and Percy was smiling.

"Are they normal?" I asked just to be sure. Everybody started cheering so, I took that as a good sign.

"Does that answer your question?" Percy asked giving me a hug. "You did it Kat!"

"Yeah now I just need to learn to control it under a full moon." I told him.

"We'll worry about that later. Right now, we are celebrating by going to the beach." Percy said smiling.

"Let me go get my stuff." I told Percy. I ran back to the cabin and changed into my swimsuit. I took off the necklace because I didn't want to lose it and ran back to Percy and the gang. When I came back they were all staring at me. "What?"

"Kat. Your eyes they're glowing." Percy said.

"What?" I asked thinking I miss heard him.

"Your eyes are yellow." Nico said looking scared. I ran back to the cabin ignoring the screams from everyone else for me to stay. I ran as fast as I could, and apparently that's really fast because of my wolf powers. Once I was in the cabin I started to cry. I thought I had this thing figured out. Grabbed my necklace and was about to leave the camp until Percy walked in. He was staring at me again.

"Yeah. I know they're yellow." I told him walking out until he stopped me.

"Kat no they're not." He said. I went over to the mirror and saw my sea green eyes looking back at me.

"What? They were just yellow." I said very confused.

"Kat take your necklace off." Percy said.

"What! Why?" I asked.

"Just do it!" He half-yelled. So, I took off the necklace.

"That's it!" Percy said.

"What?" I asked.

"I looked up all the stuff I could on werewolves and sometimes they use an anchor to stop their transition." Percy said as he pointed to my necklace. "That's your anchor. The necklace. The family." I put the necklace back on and my eyes went back to normal.

"Maybe I can do this." I told him.

"Percy we can't-" Annabeth started. "Oh, there you are Katherine. We were so worried." I looked up at Percy.

"Can we go to the beach now." I begged.

"As long as you keep the necklace on." He replied.

"Deal let's go!" I grabbed Percy and Annabeth's hand and started to pull them towards the group. They laughed the entire way there. Percy and Annabeth started to talk to the group but I just really wanted to go to the beach. "Percy come on!" I whined trying to pull his arm.

"Calm down Kat." Laughed Percy. "Give us a minute."

"You said that ten minutes ago." I complained. Percy continued to laugh. After waiting another good five minutes or so, we finally went down to the beach. When we got there, there was a boy yelling Percy's name. The boy ran up to the group and gave everyone but me a hug.

"Is this her?" The boy asked. Percy nodded.

"Kat, this is my friend Grover." Percy said smiling.

"Nice to meet you Grover." I said.

"The pleasure is mine, princess of the sea." He said bowing. I looked at Percy confused and he mouthed 'just go with it.'

"So, which God are you the child of?" I asked Grover. Everyone started laughing except Grover, he looked hurt.

"You guy's never told her about me?" Grover asked while Percy shook his head still laughing. "What about the adventures that we have been on?" This time both Annabeth and Percy shook their heads no. I laughed. "Wow guy's, I feel loved."

"You never answered my question." I told Grover.

"Oh, I'm not a Demigod. I'm a satyr."

"Okay, now that you have answered my question, let's go swimming!" I yelled. When I jumped in the water, it felt so good. I haven't gone swimming in the longest time. I sat under the water for maybe like a minute before Percy pulled me up.

"Are you okay?" He asked looking at me with worry in his eyes.

"Yah. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked him.

"You were under there for fifteen minutes." He said.

"No, I wasn't even under for a minute."

"No, Percy is right you were under there for like fifteen minutes." Annabeth said.

"I can breathe under water? Cool." I said with excitement. They all started laughing at me. We spent the rest of the day playing in the water, talking and just hanging out.

When me and Percy got back to the cabin I changed and jumped on my bed.


"Hey Kat, you want to-" I turned around to see that Kat was asleep on her bed. I walked over to her bed and put the covers on her. "Goodnight Kat." I leaned down to give her a kiss on the forehead and walked out of the cabin.


Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while things have just been so crazy lately. please tell me what you think of this story and if I should continue it! thanks!!!

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