Chapter 5

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~Katherine's POV~

After a long day of exploring Camp Half-blood, Chiron walked me to the area where the game was being held, because Percy is the team captain and had to go get ready for the match. My brother is team captain. 'Go Percy!' I thought. When we got to the area I saw two teams. One team was wearing red helmet while the other team had blue helmets on. "Would the team captains please step forward." Chiron said pulling me out of my thoughts. I saw Percy walk up along with a girl that had long blonde hair that was in perfect princess curls. "Okay which team wants a to take Katherine." Chiron asked the team captains.

"We will." I heard both Percy and the girl say at the same time.

"Alright Katherine it's up to you. You may choose want team you want to be on." Chiron said. It didn't take much thought of which team I wanted to be on, I was going to stick with my brother because I had realized that both teams were carrying swords so I'll admit I was kind of scared. So, with that I walked you to Percy and put and arm around him. "I think I'll stick with my brother here Chiron." I said

"Good choice sis!" said Percy as he started to walk over to the girl. "I told you she wouldn't choose your team Annabeth!" Oh, so that's her name, Annabeth, that's a really pretty name.

"Well she is also, your sister seaweed brain." Annabeth said then walked over to me and stuck her hand out for me to shake. "I'm Annabeth Chase, Percy's girlfriend. nice to meet you Katherine."

"Annabeth, that's a really pretty name." I said voicing my thoughts. She laughed and I asked "So, who's your parent?"

"Oh, I'm a daughter of Athena." She said smiling, so I smiled back, as she walked over to Percy and gave him a kiss on the check and walked away saying "Good luck Katherine! Good luck seaweed brain!" To be honest I was kind of scared. I was up against the team that had the daughter of Athena. You know Goddess of wisdom and freaking battle strategy as their captain. A girl yelling, "Hey Jackson!" Pulled me out of my thoughts. "Yeah?" Me and Percy replied at the same time. She had long brown hair that she had pulled back into a braid and is a good six inches taller than me and was carrying a blue helmet. Of course, Percy is the captain of the blue team. "Here you go newbie. You're going to need it." The girl said while Percy just rolled his eyes.

"Kat, this is Clarisse La Rue, daughter of Ares." Percy said in a harsh tone. So, I'm just going to assume that they don't like each other.

"Kat? What kind of name is that?" Clarisse questioned

"It's short for Katherine." I replied. Percy had given me that nickname on my second day of staying with them.


It has been a long day here by myself. Percy had to go to school, and Sally and Paul had to go to work so, I was left in the apartment alone. I got so bored the I cleaned the whole apartment. After that I did a puzzle. Twice. Than read two books. Two really good books too. But I was still really bored with no one to play with. Until I had an idea. It was a great idea to. I was going to scare the life out of Percy. And of course, being the good sister I am decided I was going to prank him at the same time. So, I set up a bunch of trip wires all over the apartment and attached them to a bucket of water. When I heard someone put their key into the door, I took my position, lying down on the floor while holding my breath. I had found and old t-shirt and put a bunch of ketchup on it to make it look like I have been stabbed in the gut. Percy then walked in and all I heard was him scream. "KATHERINE! Noooooo!" He started running towards me but tripped on the wire and got soaked. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I busted out laughing hysterically. Percy came running at me laughing. He chased me around the house until I had tripped over the tripwire. He grabbed me and picked me up, spinning me around. "Kat, you scared me!" Percy laughed out.

"Kat?" I asked him as he put me back down. The only other person that's given me a nickname was Chase.

"Yeah. That's the nickname I gave you. Is that alright?" Percy asked. I hugged him. "Yeah it's good!" I replied as he hugged me back.


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