Chapter 27

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I've been doing a lot of that recently.

This time is different though. I'm not running because I did something bad, It' because Jason thought it would be a good idea to play Hide-N-Seek. He also thought that it was a good idea that I was it. Sure its not like I will know where everybody is hiding because I can hear your heartbeat and I can track your scent or anything.

But, it's too late, I do already know where everyone is. Annabeth, Hazel, and Piper are in the Hermes cabin laughing saying, 'she'll never find us.' Leo is up in a tree sleeping. Let me just say, that he is a very loud snorer. Nico is in the big house, Jason is at the pavilions, and Percy is in the cabin.

I decided that I was going to get Percy out first, and I had the perfect plan. I was going to walk in the cabin and pretend to look around. Then I will walk away, and when Percy comes out, I will scare him.

I started running from the big house to the cabin not stopping anywhere, even if I see someone else. Percy will get out first.

I didn't run at werewolf speed because Percy would be suspicious. 

After about fifteen minutes, I finally made it to the cabin. I walked into the cabin and pretended to look around I could see Percy under his bed, but I didn't tell him I saw him. I looked around for a good minute more then I sighed and walked out of the cabin. I hid by the side of the cabin and waited. Not even a minute later Percy walked out.

Just like I thought. 

I waited a good ten seconds more, then I jumped out from my hiding spot and yelled.

"BOO!" I yelled.

"AH!" Percy yelled. I blinked and he was on the floor, holding his chest. I fell on the ground from laughing so much. "Kat! What was that for?"

"I just thought it would be funny, and I was right, it was funny. You screamed like a five year old girl." I said wiping a tear from my eye. "Come on. Let's go find the others." I said getting up from the ground and walking away. Percy ran up to my side looking around for anyone.

"I know where Leo is." I told Percy.

"You do?" He asked. I nodded my head.

"And we are going to scare him." Percy smiled at what I said. 

We walked a little further until I pointed up a tree and then put a finger to my lips signaling for Percy to be quiet. He nodded and I started climbing the tree. After about a minute I got up to where Jason was and once again, yelled.


"AH!" Leo screamed falling from the tree. It was not a very manly scream, he sounded like a five year old girl. It wasn't a very far fall from where he was, maybe seven feet at the most. I started to climb to the tree, and when I got to a ledge, I jumped out, landing beside Jason, scaring him once again. Percy was on the floor laughing.

"Kat! What was that for?" Leo asked trying to catch his breath. 

"That is why you don't fall asleep during hide-n-seek." I said also laughing. Leo stood up and crossed his arms over his chest and was pouting. 

"Oh come on Leo. I'm sorry." I said walking over to him to give him a hug.

"Okay, I forgive you. Only, because you give the best hugs." He said wrapping his arms around me. 

"Hey! I want a hug too." Percy whined. I let go of Leo and hugged my brother. 

"Now, let's go find the others." I said letting go of Percy and walking away. 

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