Chapter 21

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The only time I felt truly free. the wind blowing through my hair, or in this case, fur as I ran around the forest with my necklace somehow still around my neck.

I don't know how long I've been gone, it feels like it's only been a couple of hours, but I haven't been able to shift back yet, but that's okay because I feel free. I still feel bad for what I did. I hurt Percy and just left. I shouldn't done that, but I can't risk going back and hurting someone else...


It's been a week.

We still haven't found her.

I haven't found her.

I'm the worst brother ever! 

I'm suppose to protect her from these kind of things. From boy's to monsters she thinks are hiding under her bed at night. She's just a kid! She shouldn't have to worry about turning into a wolf once a month, about hurting us, or her bloodlust that she doesn't yet know how to control.

I have to tell dad. So, here I am at the edge of the water calling out to dad.

"Dad? It's me, Percy. I have to tell you something." 

Seconds later dad appeared beside me.

"What is it Percy?" He asked his voice laced with concern.

"It's Kat." I explained the whole thing to him. He looked shocked. I started to cry.

"We'll find her." He said rubbing my back like Annabeth did the day she left. he stopped for a minute and looked at me with a smile on his face. Why in the name of Hades would he be smiling at a time like this?

"Why are you smiling!? My sister is missing!" I snapped.

"Percy calm down. There is a way you can find her." He explained.

"What! How?" I asked.

"Percy, you and your sister share a special bond. That's why you were so quick to trust each other. Do you have anything of Katherine's?" He asked. 

I nodded and ran towards the cabin. I looked beside her bed on the table and found what I was looking for, her bracelet. She wears it everyday and takes it off at night. She didn't grab it before she ran out.

I ran back to dad and sat back down beside him. 

"This was her's." I told him showing the bracelet. 

"Good. Now, close your eyes and focus on her." He said.

I did what he said and started to think about her. I thought about how when I found her, she was just a scared little girl with no family, or anyone for that matter. How she thought she was crazy when we first told her that she is the daughter of Poseidon. How she always read books and  fan-girled over every little thing that happened in every book she read or movie she watched. how when she is nervous she would put her arms in her sleeves and look at the ground. 

Then I saw her. 

Well not her, but a wolf. 

The same black wolf that Kat shifts into, running through the same woods outside the city that I used to play in.

She turned into the thing that she said she never wanted to turn into again. She always said she hated turning into a wolf because she was afraid that she would hurt someone. When she is not in her right mind, she starts to shift. 

I don't know what happened, but now I'm in the cabin. all the lights are out. I can see blood? It's all over the floor. I walked further into the room and she Kat and Mary? 

I walk closer so I can see and hear what is going on. when I get close enough I can see everyone but Kat lying on the floor covered in blood. Dead. I look at Kat. She has blood covering her hands and a scared and sad expression on her face. 

"You did this." I heard Mary laugh. I look back at Kat and she is on the floor crying. 

"No." I heard her mumble.

"Yes. you did this. They are all dead because of you. This never would have happened if you would have just came with me." Mary laughed.

"Stop it!" Kat yelled. Ran over to me, well not me, but the me that was lying on the floor dead. "Percy!" She yelled once again. "Come on Percy. Wake up!" 

"Kat! Listen to me! This isn't your fault!" I tried to yell, but she couldn't hear me. I tried running over to her but I opened my eyes and I was back on the beach beside dad once again.

"I know where she is!" I said standing up. 

"Go find her Percy." Dad said giving me a hug and leaving once again. I started to run. I ran to the first person I could think of. Annabeth. I ran all the way to the Athena cabin yelling.

"Annabeth!" I yelled, continuing to run. "Annabeth!" 

"Percy?" she asked coming out of the cabin. I grabbed on to her shoulder and hunched over in attempt to try and catch my breath. "Percy? What's wrong?" 

"I. Know. Where. Oh God." I said taking a huge breath. "I know where she is!"

"Where?!" Annabeth yelled. 

"Come on! We have to get everyone else!" I said grabbing her hand and running to find everyone else.


After about an hour of finding everyone and getting ready, we were finally able to leave the camp and look for my sister. 

We walked through that forest for at least four hours looking for her. I leaned against a near by tree wiping the tear that were threatening to fall. Annabeth walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. 

"I really thought that she was here." I cried.

"I know Percy. I know, but it's time to go back to the camp." She said. I nodded and let her pull me towards the others. I turned around one last time. I saw a black wolf. 




Sorry I had to. 

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