chapter 20

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Sleep paralysis.

When you body paralyzes you when your asleep and your mind wakes up for a spilt second and realizes that you are paralyzed.

It makes it worse when you have a dream about everyone you've ever loved dying right in front of  your eyes and you can't move or do anything about it but just scream.
You can try all you want, but can move for a few minutes or if your lucky, seconds.

I woke up screaming and hyperventilating.

Not just hyperventilating, having a panic attack.

I haven't had one since I was seven. I tried to slow my breathing but nothing was working. Chase was the only one that could calm me from on. I looked over and Percy wasn't in his bed. The last thing I remember was shifting.

Did I kill someone? I killed them didn't I? I just killed everyone I care about!

My vision started to blur. If I don't calm down right now I'm gonna pass out. I tried everything, but nothing is working.

I could hear voices, but I can't make out what they are saying. I felt someone's hands on  my shoulders shaking me. I could see their mouth moving but, I can't hear what they are saying. I could make out the person as Percy? Great now I'm imagining stuff. I could faintly hear him yelling at me.

"Katherine! Kat! Look at me! Kat, I need you to breathe for me! Come on Kat take a deep breath with me!" He yelled.

I did as he said and took a shaky breath.

"Good. Now another." He kept telling me to take deep breaths until my breathing and heart rate returned to normal. I touch his hand just to make sure that this is real and I'm not going crazy. Once I did I realized that this is real and completely calmed down.

"Kat are you okay."

"I'm fine." I told him. But as we all know, I'm fine is a girls biggest lie. He gave me a look saying he knew that I'm lying. "Percy, it was just a bad dream. Really I'm fine." I was half telling the truth. The truth is, I'm not fine at all. (Does anyone here like 5sos? No just me. Okay....)

"Okay." He said. "Now come on. We are going to go meet up with everyone. So, get out of bed you lazy dog!" He laughed running away. I started running after him. It was easy catching up with him because I have one thing he doesn't. Super speed. I jumped on his back and I heard him cry out in pain. I fell to the floor and saw Percy holding his arm. I looked down at my hands and saw blood all over them. Percy saw the look on my face and tried to comfort me.

"Percy I'm so sorry." I said starting to cry.

"Kat look at me. It's just a little scratch. I'm fine."

I kept muttering I'm sorry and I ran.

I ran past the camp borders. I ran into the forest outside the city.

I kept running deeper into the forest until I collapsed against a tree. I broke down crying. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I became the thing I fear the most, the thing I said I would never become, a monster.

I thought life was suppose to be normal. I thought Demi-gods and werewolf's and everything else supernatural wasn't suppose to exist.

When I was little all I wanted to do was be normal. Be an over excited kid, have awkward teenage years, fall in love, buy a house with a little white picket fence with a little boy and a little girl running around the year playing with their dad. A life where I don't have to run and hide all the time. One where I don't have to be chained up once a month or worry about hurting someone close to me.

At this point I had totally lost control over my emotions, I grabbed my necklace that is still around my neck and before I could do anything to calm myself down, I shifted into the monster and took off running.

I felt almost free running, but the thing I feared came,

My bloodlust.


She's gone.

She left a little scratch on me and freaked out, I think I has something to do with her nightmares. She thinks I don't know that she gets them, but I do. I can hear her crying, talking and screaming in her sleep. She's only a child, she shouldn't have to go through this.

She just took off running. I don't know if I'll be able to find her. I walked over to her bed with tears threatening to spill down my face at any moment. I promised her that I would help her. I broke my promise and now because of it, my sister is gone. I remember when I was walking to school and saw a girl crying on the stairs. I took her in and I found out that she is my sister. Brothers are suppose to protect their little sisters from everything, from boys to the monsters they think are under their beds.

I looked down at the floor until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Annabeth. She pulled me into a hug and that's when I let the tears fall.

"She's gone. I was suppose to help her." I cried into Annabeth's shoulder. She kept rubbing my back telling me that it will be okay.

"We'll find her Percy." She said.

We sat like that for a few seconds until I heard others crying and more people join the hug. I looked up to see Hazel, Nico, Leo, Piper and Jason join the hug. I also saw that the girls were also crying, which only made me cry more. The eight of us are a family and we just lost someone close to us all. Kat is the one that keeps us together, the one that keeps us all sane.

We will find her.

I will find her, and when I do, I will make sure nothing will ever hurt her again.


Hello readers!!! sorry for the long wait.

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