chapter 15

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Some people say that being home alone is the best thing that ever happen to them. Let me just say, it's not. I am on house arrest for the next two days. I'm allowed to leave the apartment, I'm allowed to go back to the camp, I'm only allowed outside if someone is with me at all times, and only for like ten minutes at a time because of the events that have occurred the past two days. It hasn't even been a full day of house arrest yet and I am bored out of my mind. I get why they are doing this. I mean if I had a kid and a psychopath is trying to kidnap them, I would probably do the same thing.

Right now, mom is at work because apparently there was an emergency and me and Percy got really bored so, he ran out to go rent a movie and get me a new book. I told him to get me either 'City of Bones, The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, or Divergent.' And he promised me his was going to rent 'The Avengers.' I freaking love the Avengers! I'm sitting at my, well, Percy's window like I always did when I was bored and had nothing to do.

After about five more minutes of staring out the window I heard the lock. It's weird, sometimes when I don't want to use my hearing powers, they go off anyway. I can hear when someone turns the lock, I can hear people talking from far away and the one that freaks me out, I can hear people's heartbeat. It's so cool and gross at the same time. At least I will always be able to tell when someone is lying to me.

"Kat! I'm home!" I heard Percy yell. I walked out of his room and sat down on the couch.

"Did you get it?" I asked excitedly. I smiled as Percy held up the DVD.

"I also got you these." He said holding up all four books. I ran over to him hugging him.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! You didn't have to get all four." I said grabbing the three books from him. He started to smile. "What?"

"\Just don't finish them all in one day like you always do." I said putting in the movie.

"No promises! You and mom have me on house arrest, and it's so boring!" I whined. Percy started laughing.

"Whatever you say. Do you want some popcorn?" He asked. I gave him a 'what do you think' look. "I'll take that as a yes."

"Shh!" I yelled at him. "It's starting. Da da da daaaaa daaaaa da da!" I started to sing the theme song like I always do. I could hear Percy mutter something even over the sound of the popcorn. "I heard that!"

"Okay, let me just say, no a fan of the super hearing." Percy said.

"Deal with it. Now, shut up! the movie is starting."

After the movie, Percy said he had to go do something, so I started reading 'City of Bones.' I don't know how many times I have read this book, but every time I do I always say that Clary and Jace need to end up together. just like how every time I read 'Harry Potter and the deathly hallows,' Fred should not have died. I don't how long Percy was gone for, or how long I've been reading for, but I'm almost done my book. Whenever I read books, time flies by and I get lost in a world that's entirely my own.

"Kat!" Percy yelled shaking my shoulders. I put my finger up telling him to wait.

"I'm almost done. I only have two more pages." I told him not looking up from my book. Not even two minutes later, I had my book done. "Still one of the greatest books I have ever read." I looked over to Percy, he had a shocked expression on his face. "Did you want something? And don't look so surprised."

"I was only gone a little longer than an hour. How?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Anyway, everyone's here so," he said pointing to everyone.

"Hey guys!" I said running up to them to give hugs.

We spent the rest of the day talking and having fun playing games. We were just sitting there chilling when Jason brought up the topic I knew was going to be brought up sooner or later.

"Kat, if you don't mind telling. What happened?" Percy looked ready to kill Jason right then and there. I touched his arm and told him to calm down.

"No, it's okay. I knew this was going to come up sooner or later. So I walking back to the cabin after I said goodnight to all you guys, and someone shot me with ketamine, which let me just say, when you get drugged with ketamine, it feels like you have been hit by a bus," Everyone started to laugh. "And when I woke up I was chained to a wall. The lady that took me, was the same one who took me fifteen years ago. Mary Hunt."

At this point, Percy looked ready to kill everyone and everything that moves. "Percy, calm down. I'm alright. I got out, didn't I? And look, I'm alive and back here with my family." I told him pointing to everyone in the room.

"Yeah you are." He said hugging me.

"Hey. How did you get out?" Hazel asked.

"Well, I started to fake cry saying how sorry I was for leaving and she believed it. So, I asked if I could have some water and she brought me some. She said she had to run out and get some stuff. So, when I was sure she was gone, I poured the water on the chains and broke through them. And let me just say, I have never been more thankful for super strength then I was in that moment."

"I'm so glad you are okay." Piper said hugging me.

"We all are." Annabeth said and everyone joined the hug. I am so glad I have such great friends. No. I'm so glad I have such a great family.


Hello people! Fun fact, I can actually read city of bones in a little over an hour. Same goes for most other books.

To all the teen wolf and supernatural fans out there, I will soon be posting a supernatural and teen wolf cross over book.

hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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