Chapter 25

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"Alright. You've made your choice, now prepare to fight." Mary yelled whistling once again. I looked at Chase and saw that he was once again looking at the ground.

The hellhounds came charging at us. I showed my fangs and claws and let out a loud howl setting the battle into action.

Everybody ran into action. Everybody had their own weapons such as swords and in Percy's case, Riptide. I turned around to look at everybody to see if they were okay. I started fighting some hellhounds, trying to keep them away from my family. I started to get tired really quickly, I don't know how much longer we are going to be able to fight the hounds off for. I looked back at Mary and saw a clear path from where I was standing to her.

I took a chance and started walking towards her, my eyes glowing and claws and fangs out. For a split second I thought 'How the hell are we going to get out of this one?' 

Time seemed frozen as an idea came to my head. What if I tried howling at the hounds? I mean when an alpha of a wolf pack howls, the whole pack listens to maybe, just maybe this would work.

I took a deep breath and time went back to normal.

I let out the loudest, most scariest howl I have ever heard. It was so scary that Derek Hale would be scared. The hellhounds all stopped attacking  everyone, walked up to my sides and stayed there. I looked at the ground.

"How is that possible?" Mary asked, confused at the event that just took place. I could hear her heartbeat starting to speed up once again. I smirked to myself knowing that she is once again scared.

"Like you said before, I'm a true alpha." I said raising my head from looking at the ground eyes glowing bright red. The hellhounds beside me started to growl. Mary started taking small steps backwards. I could tell that she is terrified. After about five steps, Mary turned around and started running, the hellhounds following closely behind her. I turned back to look at everyone.

"Is everyone okay? Is anyone hurt?" I asked slightly tired. I bent down and put my hands on my  knees trying to catch my breath. It almost feels like my lungs are on fire. I ended up pushing my claws in my legs making them bleed.

"Yeah, we're all good. Are you okay?" Percy asked coming over to me. 

I shook my head no. 

I started to look around for anything that could cause it. 

"Kat, those look bad." Percy said pointing to my legs.

"I'm fine." I said waving Percy off.

"Kat, get away from here." I heard Annabeth say. I looked up at her and she pointed to some small, crushed purple flowers. Wolfsbane.

I started running as fast as I could.

I stopped when I heard a scream.

I started running towards where the scream came from. I reached the edge of the cliff in time to see Mary falling over the edge of the cliff. I stood at the edge of the cliff just watching the events unfold. Its a 40 foot drop from the top of the cliff.

Nobody could survive that.

I snuck to the ground on my knees, unable to do anything. I just felt numb.

Sure Mary did some bad things, but she also did some good. She showed me the beach for the first time, she was like a mother when she wasn't beating me or hurting me. 

"Kat?" I heard Percy ask as he put a hand on my shoulder. 

"She's dead." I said. I slowly started to stand up and took a deep breath pushing any bad feelings I had aside. I started to wipe the dirt and blood off my legs. I realized that my cuts were healed.

"Come on. Let's go home." Percy said wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

We started walking back over to the Pegasus. That was until I heard a voice.


I turned around. There was only one person that ever call me 'Kathy.' It was Chase.

"Don't you dare call me that! You don't deserve to call me that anymore." I yelled as he moved closer.

"Katherine I'm-" Chase started and put his and on my arm. 

"Don't touch me." I said pulling my arm from his grasp. "And I don't want to hear how sorry you are. I thought that you were dead. For five years I thought that you were dead. Five years Chase."

"I didn't have a choice Katherine." He said looking at the ground. "She threatened you." 

"Everyone has a choice Chase. And it wouldn't have made a difference, you know she beat me like every other day." I told him.

"I really am sorry Katherine." He said still looking at the ground.

"I know." I was listening to his heartbeat the whole time. He was honestly sorry. 

"I'll see you around Kathy." Chase looked up at me, smiled and then took off running. Fast. Like werewolf fast.

"Okay you guys just saw him run off super fast, and I mean like werewolf fast, right?" I asked, turning to face everyone.

Everyone started nodding.

"Good. That means I'm not going crazy."

Everyone started laughing, and I got trapped in a group hug.

"Uh guys? I can't breathe. Need oxygen." I said.

"Right. Sorry." Jason said letting go of me, followed by everyone else.

"Guys? Can we go home now? I don't know about you guys, but fighting a pack of hellhounds really makes me tired." Everyone once again started laughing at my comment.

"Yeah. Let's go home." Annabeth said.

"Hey Percy? Can you carry me?" I asked.


I gave him the biggest puppy eyes ever in hopes to get him to cave in.

"Fine. Get on my back." He said bending down a little bit.

I ran and jumped on his back. I buried my face in his neck.

"Hey! No falling asleep." Percy said and started running. I looked behind me and saw that everyone had started running after us. After a minute of running we finally made it back to the Pegasus. Percy put me down so I could get up on the Pegasus, but I'm only 5'1" so Percy had to help me up.

After everyone got on to their own Pegasus, we took off flying. Not long after we took off, I fell asleep.


Hello wonderful readers! Here's the new chapter for yah.

I think that I might be ending this book. I may or may not do a sequel, that my friends is up to you. 

Thank you guys for 2018 reads! 

Don't forget to vote and comment.


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