chapter 13

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of Percy yelling my name. "Kat! Kat! Wake up!" I rolled over and I stayed lying in the bed. "Okay." I heard Percy walk away. I went back to sleep. The next thing I knew Percy was spraying me with water. "Get out of bed you lazy dog!" He screamed. Oh, that got me to wake up.

"First off, I'm not a dog!!!" I yelled and jumped on Percy's back. "I'm a wolf!" He started running around, trying to get me off his back. "Second, REALLY!?" I covered his eyes and he ran into his bed and we both fell. We both started laughing uncontrollably. We were laughing for a good five minutes before Annabeth, Leo, Jason, Nico, Piper and Hazel walked in the cabin.

"What's going on here?" Annabeth asked.

"Well long story short, Percy called me a dog, I jumped on his back, we fell, then you guys walked in. Well I guess it wasn't really a long story." I said smiling.

"Okay then." Annabeth said slowly. "Well, we'll just wait outside so you guys can get changed." Annabeth said as they walked out. I got off Percy's bed, walked over to my dresser and grabbed a black tank-top and a pair of dark blue jean shorts and walked into the bathroom. When I walked out of the bathroom and saw Percy waiting for me.

"Well, let's go!" Percy said grabbing my hand and running out the door. Today everyone was going to help with my wolf powers. Me and Nico still haven't told anybody about how last time my eyes turned red. I don't think I will and I really hope Nico doesn't either.

"Kat. Kat? Kat!" Percy yelled.

"What?" I asked.

"You zoned out. Again." He said laughing. What? Again! "Well don't just stand there! We got work to do."

"Okay, okay I'm coming." I told them walking over to the middle of the arena. "What are we going to try first?" I asked.

"We're going to try out your hearing first." Annabeth said stepping forward. I looked around and saw that Piper, Hazel, Nico, Jason and Leo were gone.

"How are we going to do that?" I asked them.

"Piper, Hazel, Nico, Jason and Leo are hiding somewhere deep in the forest and your job is to listen to what they are saying and tell me." Annabeth said. This is going to be fun. I closed my eyes and started to focus on everything. I could hear everything around me. I could hear the waves crashing against the shore, kids running around laughing, then I heard Piper.

"Hello Katherine."

With my eyes still closed I told them what I heard. "Piper say's hi." I started to listen again. It took a while but I found Leo.

"You know this is by far the coolest thing ever! " I heard Leo. I started to laugh.

"Leo say's that this is the coolest thing ever!" I told them. It was getting a little harder to hear Nico, Jason and Hazel because of all the other noises. It became harder to concentrate. I shut my eyes tighter and tried harder to concentrate. I heard the lake and all the other kids running around. After awhile I finally heard Jason. I heard what he said and bursted out laughing.

I heard him say, "Percy Jackson sucks! "

"What? What's so funny?" Percy asked. That made me laugh even more. I opened my eyes and fell to the ground laughing.

"He. Says. Percy. Jackson. Sucks." I said between laughs. Annabeth fell to the ground and started laughing too. Percy looked mad.

"Wow thanks, I feel loved." He yelled to Jason. I bet half of the camp heard him. No. I bet half of the city heard him. I heard Jason start laughing, that proved my point and I started laughing again. "Kat, focus." I could hear Percy sigh.

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