Chapter 24

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"Shh! Someone's here!" I said turning back around. I could hear footsteps in the distance and they were getting closer. I knew there was two people, but who?

"Who?" Annabeth asked in a panicked tone.

"Me." I turned around and saw the person that took my life away, the one who tortured me. The one person I wanted dead. And the one who I thought was dead.

"Chase?" I asked disbelieving what I'm seeing, my eyes glassing over.

"Hello Katherine." Mary said walking closer to us. I rolled my eyes. Of course it was Mary. Whenever something good happens in my life Mary always shows up to ruin it.

"Get away from us. Now." I growled. Yes I really did growl.

"You think just because your eyes glow that I'm scared of you?" Mary asked laughing.

"Kat? Who are they?" Percy asked stepping up beside me.

"They are the ones that ruined my life." The second I said that, Chase looked away from me and instead started to look at the ground with a look of guilt.

"Kat I-" Chase started but was cut off by Mary.

"Oh Katherine, we didn't ruin your life, we made it better." Mary laughed once again.

"I don't see how taking me away from my family and beating me makes my life better!" I yelled stepping closer. If my eyes weren't glowing before, I'm 99% sure that they are now. I was pressing my claws in the palms of my hands to keep from lashing out at this very second.

"I'm not scared of you Katherine." Mary said walking towards us.

"You should be. I mean it's seven Demi-gods and one wolf against you." I said taking another step forward, tilting my head to the side.

When I started to step forward Mary looked scared. This wasn't her faking being scared, she was genuinely scared. She took a step back.

"That's not possible." She mumbled loud enough so only I could hear.

"What's not possible?" I asked pretty harshly.

"You're a true alpha."


Kat is honestly starting to scare everyone at this point. I looked over at her and saw that her eyes just changed from their normal golden colour when she turns to a bright red. I saw that Mary started to take steps back and was mumbling to herself.

"What's a true alpha?" Kat growled.

"It's a type of alpha that doesn't have to take somebody else's. They rise to the occasion. They become the leader of their own pack." Mary said.

What she was saying is true, Kat keeps us all grounded and together. She is like the glue that holds us together. I don't know what we would do if we lost her.


I read about true alphas somewhere. If whatever this random lady is talking about is right, Kat could be in some serious danger. Kat is like my little sister I will not let anything happen to her.


"Well you seem to be scared about that so, I'm going to give you one warning. Get the hell away from my family or I will end you in a heartbeat." I said. 

"Just because you're an alpha doesn't mean anything. I'm not scared of you." Mary yelled after a few minutes.

"You know what? You're lying to me. I could hear your heart beat slightly faster over the words 'I'm not scared'." I laughed tilting my head to the side. 

I looked at Chase and dropped my smile. I hated him so much right now. Was everything he ever did for me a lie? How could he work with someone like her.

"Kat-" Chase started.

"No." I cut him off. "You do not get  to talk to me! For years I thought that you were dead! You just left! You coward." I yelled. 

"You're right I did leave, but it-"

"Save it. I don't want to hear it." I said.

"Alright, this is how it is going to work." Mary started. "Katherine you are going to come with me, and nobody will get hurt."

"Hmm, let me think about that. How about no." I said.

"Okay. I guess we have to do this the hard way." Mary said folding her arms over her chest with a smile. She brought her fingers to her lips and let out a high pitch whistle.

After a few seconds I could hear growling in the distance. Seconds later a bunch of dogs surrounded us.

"Dogs? You think that I'm scared of a couple dogs?" I asked laughing.

"Kat, those aren't dogs." Percy said gulping.

"Those are hellhounds." Annabeth finished. I thought about it for a minute, and then remembered what hellhounds were. We may or may not be in trouble now.

"Great. Just great. You know Mary, I was having a really good day until you came along and decided to ruin it." I said. Mary rolled her eyes. 

"Just come with me Katherine and this can all be over. I'll even let your friends go without even a scratch."

"You are not going to take her." Annabeth yelled.

"Let the little girl speak for herself." Mary yelled back at Annabeth

"The answer is still the same. Wait no. I change it." I said.

"Kat!" Everyone screamed, well everyone except Leo. Instead he yelled, 'Kat, now's not the time to be making stupid decisions.'

"What are you doing?" Percy asked yelling.

"I'm telling her to go to hell instead of just saying no." I said shrugging my shoulders, turning around to look at everyone. Leo, Nico and Jason Looked like they were gonna fall over laughing. Piper and Hazel had shocked expressions. And Percy and Annabeth just looked proud of me. I looked back at Mary and just smirked.

"Alright. You've made your choice, now prepare to fight." Mary yelled whistling once again. I looked at Chase and saw that he was once again looking at the ground. 

The hellhounds came charging at us. I showed my fangs and claws and let out a loud howl setting the battle into action.


Hello everybody! How was your day? Mine was.....Weird.

Well, here's the new chapter. Sorry its crap, but some action happened. And Chase is not dead!

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