chapter 16

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After everyone left to go back to camp, well everyone except me and Percy, we watched Harry Potter, well more like I forced him to sit down and watch it with me, we watched the first four movies. I must have fallen asleep on the couch because, I woke up falling off the couch.

"Ah!" I screamed. I landed on my shoulder. Is it possible to dislocate your shoulder by falling off the couch? Because I am pretty sure that I just did.

"Katherine! What happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Mom asked running over to me.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Mom set a hand on my shoulder and I cried out in pain.


"Percy! Percy come here, I need your help." Mom yelled. Seconds later Percy came running out of his room over to us.

"What! What happened?" He asked.

"She dislocated her shoulder and I need you to hold her still." Mom said. Percy nodded and walked over to my side and tried to hold me still while mom grabbed my injured shoulder. "Okay, on three?" I nodded. "One. Two-"

"OW!" I screamed out in pain and held my shoulder. I looked at mom. "What happened to three?"

Mom shrugged, "It hurts less if you don't see it coming. Percy go grab one of your button up shirts. Your arm will be fully healed in a couple of hours, but until then, keep this on." I nodded as she used Percy's shirt to make a make-shift sling. "There. All done." Mom started walking back to her room, considering it was like one in the morning.

"Come on Kat." Percy said pulling me into his room.

"Percy? What are you doing?" I asked.

"You are sleeping on the bed, so that way you don't fall of the couch and dislocate your other shoulder." He said.


"Goodnight Kat." Percy said closing the door as he left.

"Goodnight." I said even though he couldn't hear me. I sat on the bed, but I couldn't fall asleep. I looked on Percy's desk and saw my book's. He took them away last night because he knew if he didn't that I would read them, and he was right. I knew I wasn't going to be able to fall asleep again tonight so, I walked over to his desk and started to read Harry Potter.


"Good mo-" Percy walked into his room and stopped mid-sentence. "What are you doing?" I held up my finger once again telling him to be quiet. After about two minutes more I finished the book and set it down on the bed.

"Morning Percy." I said getting off the bed.

"How many books did you read last night?"

"Um, all of them?" I said walking out of the room.

"Seriously? I told you not to read them all in one day!" Percy complained.

"Well sorry, I couldn't fall asleep last night, and they were right there!" I said taking the sling off my arm.

"Hey! Keep that on!" Percy said.

"But my arm's all better. Look." I started to roll my shoulder to show that it was all better.

"Fine. Get dressed, we're going out." He said.

"Where are we going?"

"Well, mom said that you are no longer under house arrest so, we can go to the camp." He said.

"Yes! Thank you!" I said jumping around and giving my brother a hug.


Me and Percy were walking towards our cabin when I stopped him just before we got there. I could hear noises coming from the cabin so, I knew people are in there.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Everyone is in there. Let's sneak around back and scare them." Percy nodded. We walked around to the back of the cabin and I went in through the window. Percy nodded at me and I yelled. But it didn't come out a yell, it came out as a growl. I quickly clamped my hand over my mouth shocked by the sound I had just made. But on the bright side I had scared everybody.

"AH!" Everyone screamed. I fell to the floor laughing.

"What was that?" Leo screamed.

"Honestly, I don't know." I told them. "Well. Let's do something fun. Let's go to the beach."


Sorry for the crappy chapter.....


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