chapter 12

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"Good morning Percy." I said waking up. I looked over at Percy's bed and saw that he wasn't there. He must have gone out. I got out of bed, got dressed and walked out of the cabin trying to look for my brother. I spent the next three hours looking for him. He was supposed to help me with my wolf powers today. I gave up and started to walk to the beach when I heard someone call my name.

"Katherine." I turned around to see Nico running at me. I stopped running so he could catch up. "Well if it isn't my favorite cousin." I laughed at what he said. "And where do you think you're going?" He asked putting an arm around my shoulder.

"The beach." I told him. "Me and Percy were supposed to try my wolf powers today, but I just wasted three hours of my day trying to find him."

"I can help you." Nico said. I gave him a confused look. "With your wolf powers I mean. not with trying to find Percy."

"Really?" I asked.

Nico nodded. "Come on! lets go!"  We walked, well more like ran over to the arena and stood right in the middle of it. I have to admit, I'm kinda scared. In order to use my wolf powers, I had to take off the necklace. What if I lose control? What if I tear Nico to shreds? 

"You ready?" Nico asked. I shook my head. He put his hands on my shoulders. "Katherine, look at me. You're going to be okay. That's why we are doing this, so you learn how to control it." I looked at Nico, closed my eyes and handed him the necklace. "Katherine, open your eyes." I opened my eyes and he started to smile.


"Your eyes, they're not yellow." He said. Well that's a good sign. That means that I am in control. I started to smile. "Katherine in order for this to work you have to get mad." I nodded. I started to think of all the things that make me mad. Everybody throwing dodge balls and water balloons at me, my 'parents' lying to me. That one hit the spot. I wasn't mad, No. we are WAY passed 'mad' I was furious. Nico looked horrified. "Katherine calm down." He said holding out the necklace. I looked at it for a minute, grabbed it and put it on.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You got a little too mad." He said with a nervous chuckle. "Your eyes went red."

"Red?" I asked. He nodded. Okay that's weird. "Okay, we need to find Percy." I told Nico. He nodded and we started walking towards the cabin.

We looked for Percy all day and couldn't find him anywhere. It was already dark out so I went back to the cabin. I was too tired to keep looking for him. If he is not back by morning, then I will start to worry. When I walked in I saw the Person I've been looking for all day.

"Percy!" I yelled. He turned around as I walked over to him. He put his arms out for a hug. I quickly ran into his arms, for about ten seconds then I pulled away and I smacked him up-side the head.

"Ow! What was that for?" Percy asked rubbing his head.

"Oh, let's see. Ditching me, not telling me or anybody else where you were!" I yelled. "Me and Nico have been looking for you all day! You know you could have left a note. I was worried about you!"

"Calm down Kat. I took Annabeth out." He started. I gave him a confused look. "It's our one-year anniversary, and I wanted to do something special for her."

"You still could have told me." I tried to yell but ended up yawning. He laughed.

"Kat, get some sleep." He said leading me over to the bed.

"No." I protested and stayed where I was standing. 

"Why are you so stubborn?" He asked. I crossed my arms over my chest. "Okay, you asked for it." He walked over to me, picked me up and threw me over his shoulders.

"Percy! Put me down! I don't want to go to bed!" I started to yell.

He laughed, walked over to my bed and put me down on the bed.

"But I'm not sleepy." I yawned.

"Goodnight Kat." He said giving me a kiss on the head. I gave in and let my eyes close and drifted off to sleep.

I looked around the camp and saw no one. "Percy! Annabeth! Anyone!" I yelled. I started to run until I reached the cabin. What I saw would scare me for life. I saw everyone I ever loved covered in blood lying dead on the floor. Percy, Annabeth, Mom, Dad, Nico, Jason, Piper, Leo, Hazel. Chase. I ran over to Percy and knelt down beside him. I checked for a pulse and I couldn't find one. I started to cry. Percy's eyes shot open and he grabbed my shirt.

"You. Did. This." He said.

I looked down and saw that my hands and clothes were covered in blood. I ran over to the mirror and saw a pair of glowing yellow eyes staring back at me. I opened my mouth and saw a pair of sharp teeth and blood all over my mouth. I did this. I killed everyone. I feel to the floor crying.

"Kat! Katherine! Wake up!" I heard Percy scream. He was shaking my shoulders trying to get me to wake up. When I finally woke up I buried my head in his chest. "It's okay, I got you. You're safe now." Percy said rocking me in his arms.

"It's not. I did this." After a while I had cried myself back to sleep in my brothers arms.


Hello people reading this! I just want to say this book is up to 616 reads!! I am sitting here crying!!!!! thank you sooooo much for reading this book and voting it means so much to me!!!

also sorry for the long wait......

don't forget to vote and comment!!!!


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