Chapter 22

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okay I'm done, now here's the chapter!



Running away.


My mind is playing some sort of twisted joke on me. I could have sworn I just saw Percy and everyone else, but why would they come for me when I hurt Percy. I'm hallucinating that's all. I just need to get my mind off this.

I started running again until, I roll down the hill and hit a tree. So much for being graceful.

I start to see black spots in my vision and eventually, I let the darkness take over.


"Did you see that necklace? It's Kat! It has to be!" I yelled.

"Come on let's go!" Leo said running in the direction Kat took off in.

We searched for hours.

We lost her.


Me and Annabeth were walking beside a hill, well until I tripped over a rock and fell, and well rolled down said hill.

"Percy are you okay?" Annabeth yelled.

"Yeah, I'm just peachy! It's not like I just fell down a hill or anything!" I yelled back.

"Well, technically, you rolled down the hill." Annabeth added. I saw her look over to her right and she started running down the hill. "Percy look!" She said pointing at something.

I looked over to where she was pointing and saw Kat lying against a tree. I started running towards her. I knelt down beside her and picked her up yelling at the others.

"Guys! We found her!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I started to carefully try and walk back up the hill with Annabeth following closely behind me. Seconds later everybody else was gathered at the top of the hill. Annabeth and I managed to get back up the hill successfully without falling or dropping my little sister.

We ran all the way back to the Pegasi, and soon made it back to the camp. I ran to the infirmary with Kat still in my arms, she didn't look too hurt, she just has a couple of scratches here and there and her clothes are completely torn up, but other than that she looks fine, but I have to be sure that there is nothing else wrong.

"Will!" I yelled.

"What?" He asked but then saw Kat. "Put her on the bed!"

I did as he said and but her down on the bed. He told me to go wait outside, so I did. I was hesitant at first, but then Annabeth pulled me outside.

"Percy, get some sleep." She said, and with that, I felt my eyes get heavy and let myself fall asleep.


"Percy! Wake up!" I was woken up by someone shaking me.

"I'm up, I'm up." I yelled jumping up. I looked around and saw Will. "What happened? Is she okay?" I asked panicking. 

Will started laughing.

"Percy. She's fine. She just has a couple of scrapes and bruises, but she will be fine in a couple of hours." 

With that said, I ran into the infirmary and saw her lying in the bed. I walked over to her and picked up her hand. She started to stir. 

"Hey." I said smiling.

"Percy? I'm so sorry." She said starting to cry.

"Hey, Kat look at me." She looked up from the floor at me. "It's okay, it's not your fault." I told her. She nodded.


I nodded at what he said, but I still didn't believe him. I don't trust myself anymore. I hurt my family. I'm a danger to everyone around me. 

"How long was I gone?" I asked. Honestly it felt like I was gone for maybe a couple of hours, but I could be wrong.

"You were gone for a little more than a week." Percy explained.

"A week! It only felt like a couple of hours!" I yelled. I looked back down at the floor after seeing the look on Percy's face. He almost looked hurt. 

"Kat. I need you to promise me something." He said. I nodded. "Promise me that you will never do that again." 

I looked at him and he looked like he was about to start crying. 

"I promise." 

He leaned over the bed and gave me a hug. We stayed like that for awhile until Will came back. 

"Okay Katherine, your good to go." He said. I stood up from the bed and was about to walk out until he stopped me. "And Katherine, please don't come back here anymore, you've been hurt more times than I can count." He said laughing.

"Okay." I said walking away but then stopped. "And Will, stop calling me Katherine." I mocked him walking out with Percy. 

We walked to the cabin and when we got there we saw everyone waiting for us. The second they spotted me, they ran over and once again trapped me in a bone crushing hug.

"Guys? Can't breathe." I said and they all started laughing.

Once we all pulled away, Piper walked over to me, and smacked me on the back of the head.

"OW!" I yelled holding me head while everyone laughed. "What was that for?"

"Don't you ever do that again!" She said and pulled me into another hug. "I was so worried about you." She started to cry.

"I'm sorry. I just freaked out and stared running." I explained. 

We walked in the cabin and sat in there for hours just talking about well, everything really. After awhile, and another bone crushing hug, everyone had to go back to their own cabin's, so now it's just me and Percy. 

"I get why you ran?" He spoke up. I gave him a confused look. "I mean, dad said we have a bond that allows us to track each other, and then I saw what I think was a dream. I saw everyone lying on the floor covered in blood, and I saw you crying." I looked down at the floor. "Is that the nightmare you had the day you ran." I nodded. 

"I ran because I always have that dream, and I'm scared that it will happen." 

"Kat that will never happen." He said walking over to my bed and wrapped me in a hug. At this point I couldn't hold the tears in anymore. "Besides, you can't get rid of me that easily." he said trying to lighten the mood. I let out a little laugh. Before Percy spoke up again. "Go to bed Kat. You've had a big day." 

I nodded and lied down on my bed. 

"Goodnight Kat." Percy said kissing my head and walking away. 

"Goodnight." I said. I watched him walk away, I didn't go to sleep though. I'm still scared because of what happened last time. I made sure that Percy was asleep before I snuck out and went down to the beach. I lied down in the sand and looked up at the stars. They are so beautiful, I should do this more often.

After a while, sleep consumed me.






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