chapter 26

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"Kat. Kat. Katherine Cassiopeia Jackson, get your butt out of bed right now!" Percy yelled in my ear.

"Five more minutes." I said rolling over so my back was facing Percy.

"Okay. You asked for it." I heard Percy walk away and start to fill a bucket up with water. I quickly got out of bed and put the blankets and pillows in a way that looks like I'm still in bed. I ran to the back of the cabin and made water float out of the lake and I carried it to the cabin. I hid behind the door and put the water above Percy's head. I watched Percy pour the water all over my bed and when I didn't jump or started yelling Percy had a confused look on his face and that's when I dumped the water on his head. I fell on the floor from laughing to much.

"Kat!" Percy yelled.

"Payback my dear brother." I said in between laughs.

"Oh, you really asked for it now, Katherine." Percy said smiling evilly. I knew the second he called me Katherine that I was in trouble, so I took off running. He chased me all the way down to the beach and when we got there, he managed to catch up to me and threw me over his shoulder. He started running into the water, and when it was up to his chest, he threw me into the water.

I started swimming away from Percy, but he caught my ankle and pulled me back. I slowly went up to the surface. Since I am quite a bit shorter than Percy, the water went up to my neck. I looked at Percy and he had a frown on his face and his arms crossed over his chest. 

"What was that for?" Percy asked. I just shrugged my shoulders.

"That was for the last time you poured water on my head while I was sleeping." 

"Wow. Really feeling the love here Kat." Percy said playfully rolling his eyes.

"That's because you are loved Percy." I said wrapping my arms around his torso.

"love you too Kat."

"Aw! Look at the little children getting along!" I heard Leo yell from the shore. I let go of Percy and saw everybody standing on the beach looking at us laughing.

"We've been over this Leo, I'm not little." I yelled back crossing my arms over my chest and started walking out of the water. 

"Yes you are, and you are also super adorable." Leo said ruffing my hair as I walked past him to Annabeth.  

"Kat? Why were you and Percy in the water?" Annabeth asked.

"Well, I didn't want to get out of bed this morning and-" I was talking super fast until Annabeth cut me off.

"Whoa Kat. Speak slower."

"Percy thought it would be a good idea to pour water all over me, so he went into the bathroom to fill up a bucket of water but, I got out of bed and grabbed some water and hid behind the door. When he dumped the water all over the empty bed, I poured the water I had all over him. He chased me down here and then he caught me and threw me over his shoulder, running deep into the water and them threw me in the water and then we hugged and now we are here." I said in a slower pace than before.

"Okay then." Annabeth said slowly.

"Yup, that's what happened." Percy said walking over to Annabeth.

"Well maybe we wouldn't be where we are now if you hadn't tried to dump water all over me again." I told Percy.

"It was still fun to try." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"Well you failed." I said laughing.

"Come on you two. Let's get you dried off." Annabeth said pushing us towards the cabin. 

"Race yah Percy." I said looking at him. 

"Okay. But, no wolf powers." He replied.

"Fine. Annabeth, can you count own for us?" I asked Annabeth.


I lowered my head.


My eyes started to glow and I started to smile. 


My head snapped up and I took off running. 

"Hey! I said no wolf powers!" I could hear Percy yell in the distance. I didn't care though, I just continued running. 

When I reached the steps of the cabin, I sat down on them and waited for everyone else. 

I thought about eveything that has happened in the past couple of months. How Percy found me and took me in. How I am a Demi-God. How I found my family all in one place. How I am a wolf, and the events that just resently took place. 

I was snapped our of my thoughts by someone shaking me.

"Kat!" Percy yelled.

"What?" I asked Percy.

"You zoned out again." He sighed.

"Sorry, I was just thinking." I told them.

"Thinking about what?" Annabeth asked.

"About everything."

"Everything?" Piper asked.

"I mean, I was thinking about when I first got here, meeting you guys. How different my life would be if I didn't meet you guys. I probably would have killed someone by now if it wasn't for you guys." I told them. "I love you guys." 

"We love you too Kat." Hazel said waling up to me and giving me a hug. Next thing I knew, I was squished in the middle of a eight person group hug. After a couple seconds, I couldn't breathe because they were all hugging me so tight.

"Guys? Need. Oxygen." I told them between breaths. They all laughed and let go of me.

"You know, that happens quite a lot." Percy said putting his arm around my shoulder.

"And I wouldn't have it any other way." I told him.

"Come on little one, let's go get dried off." Percy said laughing and ruffling my hair. 

"For the last time, I am not little!" I said folding my arms over my chest and walking into the cabin.

As I walked into the cabin I could hear everyone laughing and that brought a smile to my face. I have such a great family.


Hola! I think there will only be maybe 4 more chapters in this book. There may or may not be a sequel. I have not decided yet. 

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