chapter five

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      Which is ironic, seeing the decay of him as a god would mean the decay of nature. Of the land, he once stood.

      The god loves everything else in nature. Even the bad, like storms of thunder. But snow keeps a bad taste in Adonis' mouth.

     It's not something he can explain, rather something he's learned of himself. And maybe that's why he feels so strongly against the weather. Because he knows that he hates it. He has an opinion of the subject on his own.

      It makes him feel independent in some weird way. He only has so many choices to make for his own destiny. More than less, his decisions are made by a higher power. Whether it be Aphrodite, Zeus, or even Ares.

No matter who is taking his own decision making from him, he always feels obsolete.

The day Adonis was taken from his home and to the gods. Soft flakes fell from the sky. Punching into his soft baby body. The same as the present moment.

His clothing is sticking to his skin like another layer of his body. It's cold and icky as the snow melts. His broody hair is curling on the ends and brushing against his forehead, causing him to continually push it back repeatedly.

He grows irritated after a while.

Not just 'cus of the snow or his hair, but also because of everyone in this world he lives with. Everyone in his life.

He feels like he has no control.

Persephone, Aphrodite, and now Artemis.

Girls, he thinks, shaking his head.

He hates them. But at the same time, appreciates the beauty reflecting off their bodies.

He also hates his mom.

His mom left him on a snowy day. Was that mentioned?


Artemis walked towards the large deafening building that resided the god of war. The stone was gold with a mix of red solid bricks, crumbling at the bottom, and beautifully architected at the top. The large building was so intimidating that it scared Artemis.

She's never scared.

But when you're walking to meet the god of war, it tends to be an anxiety building experience.

      Once she arrived at the tall dark wooden door, her eyes did a once over on her attire. Currently, her body was stuck in a long velvet black cloak accessorized with a hood, which she was not wearing at the moment, but would come in handy if this talk with Ares went wary.

     Before her knuckles even came close to the wood, it was opened. Her lips parted, her posture instantly shot up at an impressive rate, eyes watching her surroundings but nothing, no one, was behind the door.

     Clearing her throat, she stuffed the knife poking out of her boot deeper into hiding and walked in. Her eyes still on high alert for the savage god.

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