chapter twelve

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only stars breaking the endless bliss of dark. It had been a week since Adonis and Artemis encountered the naiad. A week of healing, a week of silence, and a week of learning that both Adonis and Artemis were tolerant of each other's company. Artemis had a sense of regret rattling her all the way down to her cells. She kept rethinking this whole idea of reassurance. Would banning Adonis from Olympus solve anything? Who's to tell that someone new won't come and be as stealthy an archer as Artemis herself? Nothing seemed to be making sense anymore. After Adonis, nothing made sense.

Her eyes glazed over to the god whom is walking beside her. The soft moonlight made his face look like a silhouette. He's standing close to her, but still, she realized she couldn't quite make out his features in the dim light.

"We should take a break. I can't see a thing." Artemis said, sighing tentatively, and surprising herself at the urge to lose more time.

Adonis tried at a glimpse towards Artemis, a scrutinizing stare, creasing his eyebrows.

She sighs at the realization, feeling her cheeks flush up under his stare. She hates the feeling of attention, it makes her weak and inferior.

"Alright. But I will not sleep on the cold ground again. I know of a bed and breakfast." Adonis relented, slumping his shoulders at the memory of a warm bed.

"Bed and breakfast!? Do I have to remind you of our lack of any money?" She asked, huffing in annoyance.

Guilt swam under his eyelids.

"What? Do you have gems?!" She gasped. Hunger instantly shaking her insides, her stomach growled. They could be feasting on olives right now!

He lifted a shoulder, "Well, it is my money..a-and I don't even really fancy olives."

"Damn you, Adonis!" She rubbed a hand over her face.

He sighed, "I'm not going to apologize. It was my money. And my choice to what I do with it. I wasn't about to cough it up on your odd fondness of olives."

Embarrassment harassed Artemis. The way Adonis was describing her petty needs, made her flush with annoyance and shy away. She needed to shake off the superficial side of living and stand straight, command and let go of any lasting emotion. The seven deadly sins were all too real. And Artemis fell victim on occasion.

"How far is it?" She asked, after a beat of silence.

"About a mile up."

"A mile?" She groaned, stomping her foot on the ground like a child.

A spark of amusement tinted onto Adonis' features, "Come on, huntress. It'll be fine once we make the trek." He reassured, nodding his head in commitment.

It took Artemis a few seconds of silence to weigh out her options. But with Adonis breathing raggedly down her neck, and the cold air chilling her to the core, she also craved warm soft sheets and shielding walls.

So with that the two fell under a comfortable silence as they walked the distance.

A dozen thoughts curled into Artemis' head. She had many questions that threatened to push between her lips, but at the same time, a wave of exhaustion was clenching inside her entire body. her eyes were growing heavy too.

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