Chapter 16

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Atlas lead Miranda across the plains to a cliff side. Just like the entrance to Xanun's prison, it had a yellow rectangle that marked the entrance to the dungeon. Atlas pushed it open and lit up his torch, leading the way. They went down a long, dark corridor made of stone. But since it wasn't located underneath a body of water, it was rather dry than damp. They saw an opening before them which lead to an open room.

In its centre was a square prison cell secured by a forcefield which met a pillar in each corner.

Within the cell was a young, winged man sitting with his knees bent and pointing up with his arms wrapped around his shins.

Details of his face were still unnoticeable because of the distance. But he was wearing a long, white buttoned shirt and layered with a black coat along with a pair of black pants.

The prisoner straightened his head and saw Miranda and Atlas coming towards him. He quickly got up to walk to the edge of the barrier that kept him in. He looked rather surprised his smile revealed his white, shining teeth.

"You?" he said. "Are you Miranda?"

"She is, seraphim," Atlas answered.

"G...Get me out," he stammered.

"You know the condition," Atlas said, making sure that his capture was worth his time.

The angel was swept silent. He seemed rather reluctant to do it. Atlas stared at him with a serious expression. "Say it, and after I have your word, you will be set free."

"Train her in my peoples' arts, " the angel said. "And bring her back to you in one piece."

"Very well." Atlas walked by to the control panel and shut down the barrier, allowing him to go free. "Now do as you promised."

The angel nodded and walked towards Miranda. He didn't do anything until Atlas asked him what he was waiting for.

"I would like my belongings back, please," he said.

Atlas went to open a secret storage hidden behind a brick walls and the angel took all of what he had.

"Now I'm ready," he finally said. "Let's go, human." He pointed a peculiar looking gun in the air and its power core starts to light up in heat. He pulled the trigger and it fired an energy that opened itself into a portal to another world.

"After you," the angel kindly said.


So off to the angel realm this time. Thank you all so much for reading this story. If you like it so far, down forget to vote and feedback from you will always be much appreciated. Stay tuned for the next chapter.


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