Chapter 25

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Their heads were spinning after they received a blow from Miranda's foot. It still hurts but they regained their consciousness.

They realized that the place they were in was dark, and silent as a grave. They're surrounded by black, stone bricks in three dimensions. The only side where the stone bricks weren't covering was replaced by a forcefield. They were back in a familiar place. A prison.

Xanun's eyes displayed blurry images. It took a few seconds for it to come into focus and identified his cell mate. A white skinned man with brown hair on his face and on top of his head. He was wearing an red armor with complex machinery. But what was most appealing from him was the fact that he had a pair of white, feathery wings.
He was in a cell with a seraphim!

He flinched and stood up as if he realized that he was lying next to a monster that pounced its way out from his nightmare.

"Glad to know that you gentlemen are alive."

Xanun's face turned towards the voice. In the hallway of the prison was a young woman with jet-black hair. "Miranda?"

"Suppose that I've been with you long enough to have you recognize me in such an instant," she said in a devious voice.

"Why am I here?" Xanun asked.

Miranda smiled. "You know why," she said as if Xanun knew the answer.

"Well I don't," he replied in a raised tone. "I though we were allies."

She sighed. "We were never allies, Xanun. We were merely using you. Both of you."

"What do you mean 'we'?" Cainan came to the edge of the cell with only a forcefield to stand between him and Miranda.

"It means that we, humans are sick of what your races are doing - waging war in our world and leaving nothing but death and devastation." She paused. "Why don't you get to know each other? You two have a lot in common, you know." And after saying that, she left the dungeon.

Xanun and Cainan can't believe their ears. They've been tricked into creating the ultimate weapon that will bring about their undoing.

Xanun in his dissapointment leaned against the wall and slowly slide down until he came to a sitting position. "I can't believe it." He paused. "She said we have a lot in common." The angel said nothing. "Why don't we start listing our similarities? I don't know who my father is, that's one. Then.... I'm actually half human."

Cainan's head immediately faced Xanun's. He said something that interested him. "You're half human?"

"I just said that." Xanun smirked. "You are too, aren't you?"

"What else do we have in common?" Cainan asked, eager to find out more. "Miranda ever told me that her friend gave her a sword - and it wasn't really a human-forged, it was a demonic one. I'm suspecting that it was you who gave her that blade."

"That is true. I hope she didn't get in trouble for bringing a demonic artifact to your world," Xanun said, hoping that she actually did after the condition she'd put them in.

"She did get in trouble. But I defended her and convinced the Master to let her keep it instead of getting rid of it." Cainan paused. And as if he was able to read Xanun's mind, he said, " Although, given our current condition, I wish she had. And she wouldn't be trained in the first place."

"Perhaps." Xanun thought of a plan. Then after a couple seconds of silence, he said," She has become a bigger threat to both our kind. She must be eliminated." He thought he would never say it but it just came bursting through his mouth, "Our rivaling races' blood may forbid us from working together, but our human blood binds us in brotherhood. Truce?"

Cainan responded by standing up. "Truce."

If anyone of his demon friends found out what he's done, he'd be charged with treason and most likely to be executed. But none of that matters then, their primary concern now was getting out of that prison cell. He closed his eyes and focused. He already had a plan of getting out.

Then a few seconds later, a guardsman came by and disabled the barrier that held them behind.

Xanun immediately got up and punched the guard in the face that he passed out.

"Strange," Cainan said, curiously. "Why would he disable the barrier?"

"He didn't," Xanun answered. "I made him. Now let's get out of this place."

They rushed along the corridor and ascended up the stairs to a more furnished floor where a guard was sitting on a cask, drinking from whatever was in his cup.

Xanun jumped onto his table and grabbed his collars. "Where did she go?" His voice fitted one of an interegator's. The guard was frozen in fear. "Where is she?" he shouted, rocking him back and forth.

"Sh-she went to the Netherworld," he stammered.

Xanun and Cainan exchanged glances. "Where are our belongings?" Cainan asked.

"Th-there," he stammered again, pointing to a wardrobe.

Cainan opened the wardrobe and their gear came tumbling down as if they were water that breached a dam.

Xanun released the guardsman and took what's his, leaving the rest to Cainan. "I'm going to the Netherworld to confront her. You'll go back to your world and warn your people of the threat that has arisen." He opened his portal but before he could step through, Cainan stopped him opening a portal to Elysium using his portal gun and said,"Take my portal gun. You might need it."

Although hesitant, Xanun accepted and burned it with green fire into oblivion - it vanished leaving no trace behind. "Thank you." He turned away and stepped through the portal.

What he saw terrified him - dead demon bodies everywhere. Some were in tact while the others had their limbs severed. Did Miranda cause this massacre? She could have. No demon would actually kill their own kind unless it was for food. He began moving forward, ignoring all the carnaged bodies. If he doesn't put a stop to it soon, then Miranda would fulfill her destiny of being the weapon she's made to be.


This story is coming to its climax sooner or later. Thank you guys for reading this chapter. I would really love to read comments and feedback, so don't forget to leave them. Also don't forget to get that vote button it really means a lot to me. Curious to find out what will happen next, catch it next time on 'Of Angels and Demons'

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