Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

-Good For Nothing Popstar.-

I walked out of the hotel quickly. The hair hanging from my ponytail swayed with my steps. Louis and I had come up with a plan for today. We'd go to the doctor today, while the boys all left to Dublin. Right after the doctors appointment, Louis was set to fly to Dublin. We had agreed on me staying here, since I'd probably be the one decorating the nursery.

I was supposed to meet Louis there so we wouldn't cause more attention than necessary. Neither of us knew when or how we'd let everyone know. Louis was set to call Jay on his way to the doctors and I was set to do it on my way there too.

I was pacing around the front of the doctor's office, thinking of how I could possibly tell my mother that I was five months pregnant and the child was from the 'good for nothing popstar' she warned me not to date? Even though Louis was sweet to her and told her he'd take care of me, she didn't approve. She faked it in front of Louis, only because I begged her to. He had a hunch she didn't like him, but he could never find actual proof she hated him.

"It's all or nothing, El. Remember what happened last time you decided not to." I whispered to myself before dialing my mums number.

I waited for her to answer. The phone rang a few times before I heard her voice, "Hello?"

"Hey, mum. It's Eleanor." I mumbled into the phone.

"What's the occasion? What do I owe your call to?" She asked in a monotone voice.

"It's about.. Me and Louis."

"Well, by the way you're talking I'm guessing you finally left that good for nothing popstar and realized you needed something more stable?"

"No.." I took in a deep breath before speaking quickly. "I'm five months pregnant and it's Louis' baby."

The line went dead quiet. I thought she had ended the call. I was about to ask when I heard her begin to speak. "How old are you, Eleanor Jane Calder?"

I sighed. Here comes the lecture. "I'll be twenty two in-"

"That isn't my question, Eleanor!" She shouted.

"Twenty one."

"That's right. Now, just because you live with that lousy boy doesn't mean he can be there for you! I should've known he'd end up getting you pregnant!"

She kept yelling at me and I was too annoyed to realize Louis walking over to me. I didn't notice until his hand was on my waist, leading me into the doctor's office.

I smiled up at him then talked sweetly into the phone. "Okay, mum. I'll call you then, thank you. I love you too, bye." I blew a kiss into the phone before hanging up. I was going to get killed for that.

"What'd she say?" He asked before looking up at the nurse. "We have an appointment right now? Eleanor Calder."

"She freaked." I mumbled with a laugh. "What about Jay?"

"She cried. She laughed. She was happy. She was mad. I don't really know." He mumbled with a laugh, taking a clipboard. He didn't bother going over to take a seat, he just started filling out the form.

"Hey, isn't that supposed to be for me?" I asked and raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. But I know everything. So I'm doing it for you."

"You don't know everything." I scoffed.

"You're irrelevant. Shut up. Let me concentrate." He mumbled and almost instantly flinched back.

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