Chapter 2: Halloween

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Violets POV:

I wake up to Tate's muscular slightly tan arms around me. He's still sleeping. I turn over so I'm facing him and give him a small kiss. His sleepy eyes open and that classic grin and those dimples make me melt. He kisses me.

"Good morning beautiful!" He says in a deep, sleepy tone. "Good morning bed head!" I laugh while looking at his messy blonde locks.

Even when his hair was so messy it was still so perfect. He was perfect. I don't care how many crimes he committed. He's changed. I know he has.

Tate's POV:

I can't help but stare at her. All my life I always thought no one could love me, not even my own mother. Then I met Violet.

When I'm with her I can't help but see the good in life and I just wish I could have saved her. She had so much going for her! I screwed everything up. "Stop that." Violet said in a harsh tone. "What?" I asked. "Tate, I can tell when your blaming yourself for things in the past. None of this is your fault!" She stated and with that she kissed me and wrapped her fragile arms around me.

"Halloween is in a few days right?" I ask Violet. "Yeah, do you wanna go to the beach like we did 3 years ago?" "Definitely. I can bring a blanket and pack a picnic. It will be perfect!" I couldn't help but smile. I finally got my Violet back!

Violets POV:

I didn't realize how much I needed Tate. The 2 years I kept him away dragged on, for what felt like forever. Now that we're back together time flys so fast and I'm happy for once. I do realize I'll have to tell my parents soon but I don't care what they think. I love Tate and nothing is keeping us from each other.


Tate's POV:

Violet explained to me that we'd have to tell her parents and we thought we should probably do it tonight so if they get mad we can just leave this murder house and go to the beach.

Honestly, I'm nervous. Ben never really liked me and I raped Vivien so there's obviously tension there. What if they don't let Violet see me?

Sure she can make her own choices being dead and all. Violet says she doesn't give a shit what they think and that all that matters is us, but I don't want her to end up like me. I hate my mom and I don't know my dad. That ruined my life sort of and Violets better than that. Good thing I'm already dead or else I might die from a heart attack.

Violets POV:

Tate and I have to tell my parents the news soon so I get ready to go downstairs and find them. I then hear Tate crying in the basement. I go find him and say "Tate? Are you okay? What's wrong baby?" He continues to sob before finally saying "What if they disagree with us? I don't want you to end up like me. Hating your family and never talking to them again. You're so important to me Violet you don't understand!" He then began to cry again. "Tate, don't worry. Even if they say no I know deep down that they want me to be happy and will eventually accept it and move on. Come on, lets go break the best news ever!"

And with that Tate gets up and follows me upstairs and into the kitchen to meet my parents.

Vivien's POV:

I'm making dinner in the kitchen when I hear the familiar clucking of Violets boots. I turn my eyes away from the carrots I'm chopping to greet Vi. "Hi Hon..." I'm speechless when I see Tate standing next to her holding her hand. "Hello Tate," I calmly state.

"Mom, we need to talk about Tate and I." Violet says nervously. "Ok." I reply

"Mom, Tate has really changed and I've been in love with him since the day I met him. Even when I told him to go away. Those 2 years were the worse tears of my life and death. Tate is the only thing that makes me smile anymore and I need to be with him. I know you might not agree with this, but you need to accept this is what's best for me and Tate." She said with worry and anxiousness.

"Mrs. Harmon I am so sorry for what I did to you. I know what I did was wrong but I just wanted to help Nora like she helped me." Tate pleaded with tears in his eyes. I knew he had changed and so I said, "Tate, Violet, I know that you two have had a rough relationship but for you two to make it through all that and still love eachother the way you do I know I make the right choice when I say, yes. You have my blessing.". I smile as Violet hugs an kisses Tate and then jumps into a bear hug with me. Tate is ecstatic and then Ben walks in and exclaims, "What the fuck is going on in here?!"

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