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Violets POV

I wake up in the hospital

I look over and see Tate sleeping

He's wearing his ripped jeans and I touch his knee

I feel him jolt up

"Vi!" he exclaims and kisses me a million times

"Tate, what am I doing here?" I ask

All I remember is clubbing with Tate

"You were drugged and passed out, someone was trying to drug rape you" he cries

"It's okay," I smile

"Thank God I came to the bathroom with you" he sighs

"Hey, you did good Tate, it wasn't your fault. I should of watched the guy pour my drink" I shake my head, it's true. That's like the one rule in clubs and I broke it.

"Its not your fault, the doctor said you can go home when you wake up, do you want to?" He asks

"Yeah, go get them" I laugh

He leaves and comes back with a doctor

"Tate, you can sign her out while I tell her all the details" the doctor tells Tate

"Okay, be right back" he smiles.

Tate closes the door

"Okay, so I figured you would want to break the news to your husband. You're pregnant! The drugs did no damage to the baby, luckily." he smiles

"That's great!" I cry

I really miss Matt and Mike. A lot. Maybe this will be good for us.

"Okay, the drugs are out of your system now and you can go home, here's an ultrasound photo," he tells me and points to a tiny shape

"Thank you" I smile

Tate comes back in the room and I hide the picture

"Ready?" he asks

"Yeah" I smile and the doctor leaves

"Hey will you help me change, I can't get the knot undone" I ask him

"Sure" he smiles and undoes the back of my hospital gown

"Tate, I have to tell you something" I confess

"What?" he asks and takes my hands

"I'm pregnant" I smile

"Really Vi?!" he says excitedly

"I'm serious," I tell him and pullout the picture

"I'm so happy" he smiles and starts crying

"Me too, I love you Tate" I kiss him

"I love you too Vi" he says and hugs me tightly

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