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Tate's POV

I did another line of crystal.

It burned me up.

My vision get distorted

I walked into our bedroom

"Hey, do you wanna rent a movie and not watch it?" Violet said seductively and wrapped her legs around my waist.

"Get off of me" I pushed her and slapped her

"Okay I'm sorry" she cries

"Stop the waterworks. Leave if you're gonna cry" I say irritated.

She's so annoying

"Do you want me to leave?" She says with tears in her eyes

"Yeah" I smile

"Okay" she sobs and pulls some clothes on and walks out the door.


I wake up and I ache all over.

Where's Violet?

"Vi!" I call

No answer.

The car is here

I call her cell.

"He..hello" she sniffs

"Vi, why are you crying and why aren't you home?" I ask her, now I'm concerned.

"Be..because you said you didn't want me there and you hit me again." She sobs

"Violet, I hit you?" I cry. Why would I do that?

"You hit me 1,000,000 times Tate! I tried to have sex with you, slap. I try to cuddle, you push me off the bed and kick me. I ask you to come to bed, you tell me go alone. I cut because I felt alone and unloved and you hit me."

"Violet I'm so sorry! I..I.." I don't wanna tell her I did crystal again

"Come home and I will explain. Where are you, I'll come pick you up" I sigh

"I'm on Ryder and 34th" she sniffs.

That's like 5 miles away. Woah.

"Okay, I'm on my way"

I drive there and pick her up.

I lean in to hug her but a bee is flying around and I swat at it

Violets POV

Tate comes near me and swats his hand

I gasp and fall to the floor in a ball sobbing

"Please don't hit me" I whimper

He kneels down and hugs my frame.

"Violet I'm sorry, I won't hit you again. I swear. I did some crystal after I thought you killed our baby and it makes me crazy and violent. I'm sorry. I won't do crystal again or hit you please. Just give me another chance." He cries into my neck.

"Tate I love you" I sigh

"I love you too Vi" he smiles

"But I don't know if I can do this. I don't want our baby to grow up with you hitting me and doing drugs." I cry uncontrollably.

"Vi, I promise I'm done. No more. Ever. I'm gonna be a good dad and husband. I promise, I love you" he sniffs and wipes my eyes.

I nod

He picks me up and carries me into the car, setting me down gently.

I weep into his shoulder as he drives us home and hums Nirvana's "Something in the Way".

I relax, I believe him.

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