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Violets POV

I wake up in bed with Tate

The sun is shining through the curtains and I smile

I hear the birds chirping and I see a few near the feeder.

I shake Tate lightly

"Tate, there's some really pretty birds outside" I whisper

He jumps up and quietly goes to the window and looks through it

I see him concentrating

I laugh and wait for him to come back to bed

The birds fly away

He smiles and comes back to bed

I wrap my arms around him

"What're you doing?" he laughs

"Cuddles!" I giggle

"Oh okay" he smirks and tickles me

"Stop!" I laugh

"I said cuddles not tickles!" I whine

He finally stops

"Thank you" i pant.

He laughs and kisses my mouth

"How's the baby?" He asks, rubbing my pregnant belly

"Peaceful, I have a doctors appointment at 11:00 do you wanna come?"

"Sure" he smiles

"Okay it's 9:30 so we should get ready" I sigh

He nods resting his head on my shoulder

"I'm sorry" I sigh

"Why?" he asks

"For making you lose sleep because I have no responsibility." I shake my head

"It's fine Vi, you pick up after me all the time. That's what we do, help eachother" he caresses my arm

"I guess you're right. Let's get ready" I say, swinging my legs off the bed

I go in my closet and pick out a black skirt and blue tee

I put on some black converse

Tate finally gets up and puts on his signature striped sweater, jeans, and black converse

I brush my teeth again and then brush my hair, not bothering with makeup

I walk out and see Tate playing flappy bird

I laugh

"Ready?" he asks

"Yep" I sigh

I'm so tired

We get in the car and drive to the doctors.


Everything is checked out fine,

"We can tell you the sex if you'd like" the doctor says

I look at Tate

He nods

I nod too

"It's a girl" he smiles and hands us an ultrasound

I start crying and smile, hugging Tate

"I won't let anything happen to her" he whispers

"I love you" I cry

"I love you too" he smiles and kisses my tears away

Short update bc I wrote this on the bus, on the way to school

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