Chapter 3

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"What the fuck is going on in here?!"

Violets POV

Shit. Shit shit shit.

"Dad, calm down. Please hear us out!"

"What the hell Violet? You've got one minute before I start throwing punches." Dad said. Woah. Harsh much?

"Dad I love Tate and he loves me! He's changed and realizes what he did wrong! He actually loves me! You put on this fake act that you love mom but everyone knows it's plastic! Mom accepts us. If you don't support me then I will gladly never talk to you again!" I say meaning every single word.

"Violet, he's dangerous. You're just going to get hurt!" Dad... screw it I don't want him to be my dad... Ben said

"You hurt mom and she forgave you. The only difference is is that Tate has changed and you haven't! Come on Tate lets go." I said. And on that note we left.

Tate's POV

Wow, Violet really out did herself. I feel bad since she kind of hates her dad now but he doesn't care about her. He never did. I used to want him as a dad but I can see the whole fatherly thing was an act.

"I love you so much.'' I said to Violet

She said it back with a forceful kiss.

"I love you too Tate." Violet finally said.

I wish we could escape this house and start a new life together. Can ghosts have kids? I guess we will find out sooner or later...

"Do you wanna have kids some day?" I ask Violet.

"Why not now?" Violet said while pulling me into a kiss and taking my shirt off.


Violets POV

Tate was so amazing and all I could ever ask for. Plus he had amazing abs and biceps but not like it matters.

I hope ghosts can have kids. I can just imagine a little baby with his blonde curly hair and dimples and those dark eyes. I mean I know he already has a kid technically but I want one of our own. We watch the waves for awhile whist snuggling under the moon and stars. I wonder if there was a way to get out if the house.


"Yeah Violet?"

"What do you think would happen if we didn't go back to the house before sunrise?"

"I don't know, I never stuck around to see."

"What if that's what can set us free? Just staying here and not returning?"

"Do you wanna try?"

"Kind of "I say but I realllly want to.

"Let's do it then. Together." Tate says full of hope.

"Okay. No matter what happens, I love you. Don't let me go." I say with tears and uncertainty

"I love you too Vi. I won't let you go. Never in a million years!"

"The suns gonna rise soon. Are you nervous?" I ask.

Tate's POV

Am I? Hell yes. "A little." I lied.

"Look! It's about to rise. Hold my hand and close your eyes!" I say. Here we go...

DUN DUN DUN! What will happen? Stay tuned my lovelys!

Quick Authors Note:

Okay. So I'm not sure if the sunrise is gonna set them free of the murder house or not so comment and let me know! :) thanks you guys are awesome

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